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  • 墨西哥城高檔酒店內,年輕女傭自有心事。日復一日的漫長工作,總有打掃不盡的房間。她長途跋涉上班,無法照料年幼兒子,卻要幫客人看顧小孩。參加進修班,望能晉升到尊貴樓層。偶然拾獲紅裙,盼失物無人認領可據為己有。抹窗工人隔窗傳情,她其實更需要找到女性自我的聲音。來自劇場的阿維萊絲首拍長片即備受注目,以紀實眼光看打工女的生活與生存,發掘角色沉靜外表下的豐富情感,暗暗接通戴丹兄弟和艾方素卡朗的《羅馬》(2018)。
  • The screenplay tells the story of the toxic relationship between two strong, independent women who are aware that they are alone in the world Beatriz, who has apparently achieved everything in life that she set out to do; and Sofía, who thinks she is ready to do whatever it takes to get the life she believes she deserves.
  •   故事发生在遥远的2095年,天空中出现了神秘的金字塔,金字塔中所禁锢的,正是鹰头人身的太阳神荷若丝(Thomas M. Pollard 饰),为了延长自己的寿命和法力,荷若丝逃出了重重禁锢,决定在凡间找一对男女生育自己的后代,被冰冻的太空人尼科波尔(托马斯·克莱舒曼 Thomas Kretschmann 饰)不幸成为了他的目标,最终,荷若丝成功的附在了尼科波尔的身体里。  吉尔(Barbara Scaff 饰)拥有着能够流出蓝色泪水的特异功能,对于自己的与众不同,吉尔感到十分困惑和无奈,更糟糕的是,天赋异禀的吉尔沦为了大型医药企业的人体试验对象,这样一位可怜的女子,成为了荷若丝的目标,命运的齿轮就此开始转动。
  •   onique Watson, a 12 years old African American girl goes missing from her Brooklyn home. Her father Micheal Watson does everything on his power to find his little girl, he holds himself up through faith and will. The police are having a hard time finding her, when Christian Baker a young New York City journalist from The Chronicle gets assigned to her story. Christian tries to get the assignment done, he quickly and poorly researches the story and goes with the first lead. This brings down an unexpected series of events. Christian with guilt decides to join Micheal on his search and takes upon himself to race time and help find Monique.
  • A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm.