- A story about a love triangle and the real life of young people. Two brothers, Mai and Mhen, fell in love with the same woman, Pond. Because their family is poor, the two brothers had no choice but to get involved in illegal activities. On Bo's recommendation, they joined a car theft gang. To was the gang leader. Not long after that, Mai lost his father, Sorn, and Mhen learned ...
- 替爱人顶罪刚被假释出狱的女诈欺犯Sing发现爱人竟与别的女子结婚,而E-shine的二少爷James因为旧情人即将成为自己的嫂子而将哥哥的婚礼大闹一场,落魄的两人因James母亲的遗物“Queen Mary”相遇了,来到简朴温馨的明日乡。两个被爱情抛弃的人放下身分的隔阂,用心去相处。Sing喜欢设计珠宝,却只能靠仿冒饰品维生。James为圆她的梦想,参加了赌命赛车,却在一次败北当中被黑道老大废了右手,身负重伤。 Sing不忍拖累James,忍痛接受了James的支票离开。James的哥哥Joker不忍拆散两人,却在载Sing回来的路上出车祸身亡。James自此封锁情感,性情骤变,抱着对Sing的仇恨,加倍工作,变成冷血无情的商人。 五年后,因争取代言,James与Sing再度相逢,再也不能信任彼此的怨偶,却因为当初定情的一条手链“Summer Sta...