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  • 丹麦夫妇 Louise 和 Kasper 搬到了一个与世隔绝的林中小村里,过上了远离现代文明的生活。Louise 很想但一个妈妈但似乎他们有生育方面的问题。Louise 最后说服了她的女佣 Elena 为他们代孕,Elena 的肚子一天天大起来了,但是事情变得越来越不对劲……
  • (Dis)Honesty - The Truth About Lies' is a documentary feature film that explores how and why people lie. The film is anchored in behavioral experiments that measure our propensity to lie - sometimes even unknowingly. On a more personal level, from little white lies to devastating deceits, people share on camera the true stories of lies they've told. Experts examine the reasons ...
  • Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolves their longstanding differences and creates intimate bonds that threaten their very survival.
  • 在威尔斯的一个小镇,家庭主妇贝蒂和丧葬业者波里士,不想去面对两人之间没有结果的感情,因为贝蒂嫁给了下流的镇长,虽然两人的婚姻早已有名无实。日子一天天缓慢地过去,直到镇长的母亲窒息死亡,因为安排丧礼的缘故,终于又让波里士和贝蒂重聚。两人这一次决定要忠于内心的感情,但并不想造成任何混乱,于是计划让贝蒂假死,再一起搭着豪华邮轮私奔到南太平洋的小岛。不过当镇长和他的情妇马瑞迪丝计划杀掉贝蒂,好继承她庞大的家产和保险金时,让情况变得加倍复杂。于此同时,法兰克费瑟贝则想用夸张的赌城式风格来垄断镇上的丧葬业,有踢跶舞表演、金碧辉煌的亮片装饰,还有买二送一的大优惠。
  • 在费城北部度过夏天的时候,一边是犯罪世界,一边是关系疏远的父亲充满活力的都市牛仔亚文化,这让一个问题少年感到左右为难。