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  • 故事設定在《CODE GEASS 反叛的魯路修》的四年後   講述了兩名以高超的武藝廣為人知的傭兵,亞修和羅瑟的故事
  • 在母亲的浪漫宠爱中成长的亚历杭卓,独自从家乡萨尔瓦多来到纽约打拼。 对设计玩具充满热情的他,好不容易找到理想工作,却遇到签证即将到期、雇主不愿续聘的遣返危机。 走投无路下,个性古怪、自信爆棚却不入世的艺术家之妻,成为他续留的最后希望。 面对她的各种无知发言和无理要求,天真呆萌的亚历杭卓是否终能熬出自己的一片天?
  •   On the surface it's believed to be another urban legend - a supernatural being from the afterlife is violently killing anyone who cheats on their significant other in the small college town of Silvercreek, Pennsylvania. But the town's unusually high suicide rate is finally convincing both locals and college students that everything is not as it seems. When Maeve - a female college student - sleeps with Charlie, the married man of the host family she is staying with, both sense the deadly curse is closing in on them. Unable to get anyone to believe them, Maeve and Charlie seek out a local history student to help find answers and figure out a way to defend themselves. It all comes undone, however, as several people are horrifically killed by the savage being - one-by-one at a rapid pace. Eventually, Maeve, Charlie and the few survivors band together in an attempt to defeat the monster once and for all.
  • Life, death and drama at 20,000 feet, SKYMED weaves together intense character journeys and high-stakes medical rescues, as we follow the triumphs, heartbreaks and tribulations of budding nurses and pilots flying air ambulances in remote Northern Canada. They're all in over their heads, and on their own, with no one to rely on but each other.
  •   BAD FAITH exposes how Christian Nationalism has become the most powerful anti-democratic force in America, with an unparalleled ability to destroy democracy from within. Secular and interfaith leaders are joining forces to defend our country from this march to fascism, but Americans seem unaware of the threat.