- When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to rise through levels of obedience to “Perfect Obedience”. But this progression proves to be more than just a spiritual journey. Sacramento is adopted by the order's founding father, Ángel de la Cruz, and over the course the year they fall in love and surrender to the most intense, blissful, and contradictory episode of their lives. Years later, older and wiser, Sacramento leaves the order regretting that episode, and he decides to seek justice from his old tutor.
- 三位警探竞相抓住一群淘气的门廊海盗,找回市长最珍贵的帽子宝宝,同时还在应付他们自己的假日混乱。在这个欢乐的冒险中,跟踪三个专门的侦探杰克泰勒,马科斯费尔南德斯和萨莉琼斯,当他们开始逮捕一个邪恶的走廊海盗团伙的任务。这些侦探不仅是为了保护节日精神,而且是为了应对自己生活中的挑战。杰克·泰勒警探以其活泼家庭的起起落落来应付他要求很高的职业生涯。泰勒家族为侦探们寻求恢复被偷走的圣诞节快乐提供了一个滑稽的背景。杰克的姐夫马科斯·费尔南德斯警探是一位在节日期间挣扎的鳏夫。失去了心爱的配偶,他发现再次拥抱圣诞精神是一个挑战。在他们追捕门廊海盗的过程中所发生的事件会帮助他重新发现节日的快乐,并治愈他受伤的心吗?"门廊海盗"作为一个令人激动的猫和老鼠游戏展开,当侦探们接到来自市长官邸的求救电话时。一个极有价值的帽子宝宝被从市长的门廊上抢走,给镇上的圣诞庆祝活动投下了阴影。有了这个压力,我们勇敢的三人警探们能在圣诞节前把这个珍贵的帽子宝宝带回来吗?加入我们的旅程,充满了诙谐的玩笑,意想不到的曲折,以及一点节日的魔力。"门廊海盗"是一个温馨的故事,它提醒我们,圣诞节的真正精神在于聚会的欢乐,欢笑,以及追求完美的礼物-即使这有点不同寻常。
- Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; the annexation of parts of Germany by other countries; the creation of Iraq; and the transfer of German colonies in Africa and China to new colonial masters. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, championed by President Woodrow Wilson but which the US never joined. When they finally dealt with the issue of war reparations, they imposed a payments schedule on Germany that many believe provided the underpinnings of World War II.