- 美国某小镇,有一条通往哈特利小学的丛林捷径,但自从上世纪40年代之后,就很少有人通过这里。镇上的人传言林中有一个凶恶变态的老头,许多起失踪案都和他有关。这条路俨然成为小镇上的禁区,而世代居住这里的哈特利家族则成为最大嫌疑人。 高中生德里克?卢卡斯( Andrew Seeley 饰)和母亲(Wendy Anderson 饰)以及尚就读小学的弟弟托比(Nicholas Elia 饰)搬到了外婆所在的这个小镇。开朗的德里克很快结识了丽莎(Shannon Woodward 饰)等一众好友,并迷上了性感美丽的同校女生克莉斯蒂(Shannon Woodward 饰)。某天,托比被同学哄骗走入捷径,血淋淋的死狗和阴森的老头令他闻风丧胆。见到弟弟惶恐的样子,德里克火冒三丈,他从同学口中得知了小镇的传言,好奇且愤怒的他决心闯入丛林一探究竟……
- TUCKED is a raw and tender drama about an aging 80 year old drag queen who forms an unlikely friendship with a younger queen, both struggling with their own issues of gender identity and mortality. As they discover more about each other, they realize how to truly be themselves. It's a 'slice of life' drama about love, loss and friendship; a feel good film with a great charm and...