搜索 Ga

  •   相信幽灵存在的女生绫濑桃和同年级喜欢超自然现象的超然仔。二人互相否定,为了让对方信服,桃前往传闻有UFO出没的医院废墟,超然仔则是去往灵异地点的隧道……命中注定的恋爱就此展开!《当哒当》是龙幸伸于2021年4月6日起在网络漫画平台“少年Jump+”上连载的漫画,近日官宣动画化!
  • After her husband is devastated by a tragic accident, a devoted wife obsesses over a mysterious portrait that resembles him as he was; but when it starts to terrorize her, she must decide if it's possessed or if she's losing her mind.
  •   Problematic father figures and a pill-pushing doctor lead a Danish man into darkness in Isabella Eklof's powerful drama echoing with colonial conflict.  Jan is on the run from himself and his traumas after being sexually abused by his father. Now he lives with his family in Nuuk, Greenland, where he works as a nurse and does his best to assimilate into the local community. However, his past catches up with him through a letter from his now dying father, plunging him into a downward spiral of drugs and extramarital affairs. Emil Johnsen is captivating in the lead role, portraying Jan as both boyishly fragile and deeply unsettling. Haunted by his own father figure he's reflecting Denmark's paternalistic relationship with Greenland and its population. Isabella Eklof follows up her acclaimed debut (Holiday, GFF 2018) with a courageous exploration of human darkness, based on Kim Leine's autobiography, solidifying her position as one of our most exciting Nordic directors. 
  • 綾香(市川まさみ)は結婚5年目の専業主婦。夫の慎吾は出版社勤務で忙しく、マンネリした生活とセックスレスな夫婦生活を送っていた。   ある時、慎吾の担当する女性誌で夫婦の新しい結婚のスタイルである"オープン?マリッジ"を特集することになった。1970年代に提唱された『オープンマリッジ』とはお互いの合意があれば、自由に他の異性と関係が持てるというものだった。編集長から体験レポートを要求された慎吾は、なんとか綾香を説得してみることに???。その後、お互い性的パートナーを見つけた2人は、嫉妬から生まれた興奮で、セックスレスを解消してお互いの身体を激しく求めあうようになっていく???
  • 在阿格拉躲避警方追捕时,拉妮和利休计划一起逃跑。但他们的任务出了岔子,于是拉妮向一位温文尔雅的仰慕者求助