搜索 奥

  • 随着食品和能源价格的上涨,杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)带着节目《杰米·奥利弗极简烹饪》回归,提供聪明的食谱、技巧和窍门,帮助在厨房中降低成本。在烹饪一些对钱包友好的美味食谱的同时,杰米揭示了一些实用的烹饪原则——比如加大批量烹饪、利用冰箱和微波炉,以及充分利用烤箱——这将使你即使在预算有限的情况下也能烹饪出色的食物。杰米有一些很棒的点子,可以利用超值的食材,以最节能的方式烹饪出适合家庭的美味菜肴;从使用微波炉从头开始制作美味的咖喱,到一次使用烤箱制作多餐或批量烹饪以节省金钱和时间。
  • A rom-com drama following the love story of a female socialite and a wealthy province man.
  •   Enea, Aeneas, pursues the myth that his name bears. He does it to feel alive in a dead and decadent age. He does it in the company of Valentino, a newly christened aviator. Together with the drug dealing and the parties, the two boys share their youth. Lifelong friends, victims and perpetrators of a corrupt world, but moved by an incorruptible vitality. Beyond the boundaries of the rules, on the other side of morality, there’s an ocean of humanity and symbols to discover. Enea and Valentino will soar over it to the furthest extremes. But the drugs and the underworld are the invisible shadow of a story that speaks of something else: a melancholy father, a brother who has conflicts at school, a mother defeated by love and a beautiful girl, a happy ending and a happy death, a palm tree falling on a world made of glass. It is between the cracks of everyday life that Enea and Valentino’s adventure gradually finds reprieve. An adventure that may seem criminal to others, but which for them is, and will be first and foremost, an adventure of friendship and love.
  •   Cem是一名海军突击队员,他和他的爱人Alara一起前往蓝洞,这是他许诺过有一天要一起去的地方。 Cem的蓝洞之旅将给他和Alara带来启迪,他们将沉浸在对爱情、奋斗、激情和痛苦的回忆中。
  • 分居一年后,劳伦和凯文专注于共同抚养年幼的儿子查理。然而,凯文渴望让他们重新成为一家人。