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  • 传奇摄影师罗德里戈·普列托(《花月杀手》)的电影处女作在一个看似废弃的墨西哥小镇展开,在这个小镇上,过去和现在迷人地共存,这是一个关于欲望、腐败和继承的迷人故事。
  •   Following her mother’s death, manga artist Soriya travels to her ancestral home in Phnom Penh, with hopes of reconnecting with her distant family and using the visit as inspiration for her work. All goes well initially. Renting an apartment in Metta, a rundown Khmer Rouge-era housing complex, her visit to her maternal relatives finds her welcomed with open arms. But Soriya’s waking hours in the apartment and its surroundings are punctuated by terrifying, bloody visions, almost as though she were a conduit for horrors of the past wanting to seep into the present.  Inrasothythep Neth and Sokyou Chea’s blood-chilling psychological horror explores a personal and political past through the present, transforming a characterful space into an insidious environment. Surrounded by modern high-rises, this decrepit structure, with its brutalist architecture and peeling surfaces, is a relic from a dark period in history whose painful memories it has absorbed. In tracing Soriya’s ominous journey back to her roots, Tenement hints at a necessary reckoning with Cambodia’s political past without overplaying its historical dimension. It’s an impressive work from a woefully underrepresented national cinema.
  •   本片基于艾米·利普罗特所著回忆录,她和芬沙伊德改编剧本,讲述刚从康复中心出来的罗娜在离开十多年后,回到了苏格兰的奥克尼群岛,回到童年时的牧羊场,再度体会到了自然之美和静谧的珍贵。
  •   从国民演员跌落成为虐恋演员的李顺载(李顺载 饰),在南海某村庄藏身时遇到了退休警犬苏菲,他发现自己可以听懂苏菲说话,此后,南海村发生了各种神秘事件,会说话的苏菲和能听懂狗话的李顺载开始了联手破案。  朴成雄饰演李顺载的独生子李基东,是一位无业游民兼演员,意志薄弱、优柔寡断。  妍雨饰演2年級巡警洪初媛,领养退役的警犬苏菲,坚强明朗的角色。  《狗话》将于2024年9月kbs水木档播出。
  •   鲍勃做事经常闹出麻烦,没有一份长久稳定的工作,在一家管家学校上了两节课的鲍勃偶然被女强人安妮雇去当临时保姆,但古怪的他正好被两个调皮孩子接受了。于是鲍勃正式当上了管家,开始照顾孩子,处理大小事务... ...