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  • 在16世纪的扎佐(现在的尼日利亚扎里亚),阿米娜必须运用她的军事技能和战术保卫她家族的王国。
  • Rusty Wittenburg is a Navy SEAL struggling to balance his family life and his job. He fights daily to maintain the line between reality and the nightmares his PTSD conjures up for him. Dedicated to his team and his mission, he is willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for his fellow brothers and teammates.
  •   The story of Parker’s new effort, penned by William “Billy” Ivory, is inspired by true events and is set in the summer of 2014. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France, octogenarian Bernard Jordan (played by Michael Caine) made global headlines. He’d staged a “great escape” from his care home to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades. The bittersweet script is said to explore “the reality with wit and a very big heart”. Bernie’s adventure, spanning just 48 hours, also marked the culmination of his 60-year marriage to Irene (Glenda Jackson). The film will also celebrate “their love without any sentimentality and with an eye to the lessons we might all learn from the Greatest Generation”.
  • 29岁的尼克来自美国,理论上,这是他和西莉亚(27岁) 的新生活应该开始的日子,他们打算乘飞机去美国---那里尼克的朋友正等   着欢迎他们。他们的关系开始不久,但是他们都想放弃以往的个人包袱,可是放不下。对西莉亚来说,这是流产的创伤,在事故里,她   失去一个不是尼克的孩子。对尼克来说,这是为西莉亚而放弃的不正当的生意交易。
  • 财大气粗的Altracorp公司在英属哥伦比亚省静河附近的一个无人小岛秘密进行一项生化实验,虽然遭到美国民众的一致反对,但是凭借其高超的公关手段以及政府的暗中支持,该实验仍在继续。然而一则令Altracorp头疼的消息传来,该小岛上的实验似乎发生差错,所有研究人员全部下落不明。为了找到生还者,查明失踪原因,公司派出由雷蒙德·华(Zero Kazama 饰)、瑞雪·甘特(Mary Christina Brown 饰)、苏菲·米勒(Victoria Floro 饰)、艾伦·崔斯坦(Rob O'Brien 饰)以及维尔·凯恩(Jai Koutrae 饰)5人组成的救援小组,开赴那个与世隔绝的神秘小岛。   登陆不久,队员们便找到一名失踪的研究人员,但是本已中弹倒地的生还者竟化作一团充满不祥气息的黑雾扑向了救援小队……