搜索 Tricia

  •   著名的希腊神话故事,特洛伊城的巴利斯王子,爱上了美丽非凡的海伦,并不顾一切的将她带回了特洛伊城。谁知海伦本是巴斯达国王的爱妃,愤怒的巴斯达下令向特洛伊城发起进攻,一场残酷的战争拉开了序幕。英勇的希腊士兵如潮水涌向特洛伊城,结果无功而返,慌乱中,遗留下一匹巨大的木马。兴奋的特洛伊城士兵只顾高兴地庆祝着希腊士兵的撤退,对希腊的木马却完全视而不见。夜幕降临了,许多全副武装的希腊士兵悄悄地从大木马的腹中钻出来,向特洛伊城大举进攻……
  • In this emotionally charged thriller, Harper is forced to face horrifying secrets of her childhood in order to give her daughter a better future. But how far will she go to forget the past?
  •   On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) suddenly shows up after disappearing from her life completely. Torn, Clara must decide between going back to the past or open her heart to new and unexpected possibilities.
  •   An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of doomed British morbidity. In HD.
  •   『1970年,全世界都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,附近邻里都变成贫民窟了,但是我对这一切毫不知情。我的世界就只有这麽大而已——四面牆和几条安静的街道,不过那是在我认识米奇寳之前』  『1970年,全世界都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,但是我对这一切毫不知情。直到事实像火车一样碾过……』  本片根据欧文麦卡菲帝著名的舞台剧拍摄而成,讲述了七十年代北爱尔兰两个少年的故事,一个来自天主教家庭,一个则是清教徒背景,原该水火不容的他们却跨越了边界,成为血盟结拜兄弟。他们学著当时正在上映的《虎豹小霸王》,决定离家抢银行做大事......  举报