搜索 Made

  • Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend his time stealing cars than sitting in the detention centre to which he is sent. His social worker, Harry Parker, tries to do his best, but Trevor is only interested when there's something that he can get out of it. The authorities within the centre try to make Trevor conform to the norms of society, but he takes no notice, and would rather speak in a torrent of four-letter words and racial abuse.
  • A struggling actor who seems doomed to lead the life of a loser. When finally gets a lead role as a superhero named "Badman," he feels like everything is possible but fate strikes again.
  • 夜总会、游乐场、霓虹灯五光十色,柬埔寨首都今夜星光灿烂。少年波拿离乡到金边新开发豪宅区“钻石岛”打工,挣血汗钱过活。意外重遇多年不见的哥哥,带他骑电单车穿梭大街小巷体验灯红酒绿。波拿告别工地好友和心仪女孩,走进目迷五色花花世界。周戴维(《金映岁月》,36 届)为柬埔寨电影打开一线窗口,写实风格描划社会底层少年成长,借蓝黄光影交错,映照纸醉金迷与坠落颓废的冷暖色温,捕捉年轻生命如何向往美好未来,却恐怕这个璀璨都市光辉到此。
  • 雷艾(Chhabi Biswas 饰)出生于富贵之家中,世世代代都是坐拥着土地的地主阶级,雷艾自然继承了家族的财产,可是,他的心思却并不在好好经营这份财产之上。雷艾对音乐有着狂热的喜爱,常常斥巨资举办音乐会,请来大师名流进行演奏。就这样,上一代积攒下来的财富就在雷艾的一次又一次挥霍中越来越少。  马兴(Gangapada Basu 饰)是雷艾的死对头,他同样是一名音乐爱好者,两人互相攀比音乐会的排场,互相质疑彼此对于音乐的品味。为了战胜马兴,雷艾不顾拮据的经济状况大肆挥霍,甚至为了满足自己的虚荣而付出了家人的性命作为代价。最终,雷艾家破人亡,濒临疯狂的他在散尽了最后一笔钱后选择了死亡。
  • 在纳粹追捕和杀害残障人士的过程中,一名肢体残疾的男孩在逃命时做出了一个大胆的决定