搜索 Ines

  • From Joseph Conrad's great novel comes the story of a young seaman trying to helm a damaged boat to Singapore and dealing with many unfortunate events. While on command of the situation, he also devotes himself to help his failing crew and some of the boat's many passengers, some of them who are in poor health conditions.
  •   几个登山爱好者在喜马拉雅山上发现了珍稀生命——雪人,这个消息惊动了很多人,其中包括一直致力于雪人研究的动物学者蒂姆·贝格曼,以及一心希望通过动物园赚钱的商人迈克。兴致勃勃的蒂姆很快踏上了寻找雪人之路。当他终于在世人的关注下返回德国,却宣布自己空手而归。女记者克里斯觉察了其中的疑点,便暗中跟踪蒂姆,终于在实验室发现了举世罕见的庞然大物。蒂姆只得承认,他这么做是怕雪人受外界打扰。蒂姆的担心不是多余的,就在他想方设法使雪人在迥然不同的世界里保全生命的时候,贪婪的迈克也敏感地嗅出了金钱的味道……
  • 这名少女有着不堪的过去和一个重大秘密。在意外与王储相恋后,她必须千方百计阻止这一切泄露出去。
  •   13-year-old Benjamin discovers that his mother didn't die in an accident as he was led to believe. The trail points to high-ranking officials in the Danish Secret Service - "Trust no one!" he is told.
  • CBS All Access过去直接预订真实罪案剧《审讯 Interrogation》,这部Anders Weidemann及John Mankie wicz主创的剧集改编自一宗横跨30多年的真实事件,讲述一个年轻人被指控谋杀了母亲,剧中会有多条时间线。   在《审讯》每一集中都围绕在案件的警察审讯,致在让观众成为警探。而CBS All Access表示为配合这设定,他们将探取较不寻常的播放方式,就是2至9集是可任意乱序观看。