- A company that produces a toxic chemical tries to improve its image via a popular spokesperson, Ricky Coogan. Ricky travels to South America to get a first-hand look at the chemical's effects and finds himself at a mutant freak farm. Elijah, who runs the farm, is only too happy to have new subjects on which to try his freak machine. The very chemical that Ricky is supposed to promote is the one responsible for creating the great variety of freaks.
- 黑人“O2”(泰瑞斯•吉布森 Tyrese Gibson 饰)自小就是一名孤儿,生活在混乱的黑人底层社区,他最终也走上了犯罪的道路。刑满获释后,“O2”决定洗心革面,和儿子朱利安一起开始新的生活。然而天不从人愿,“O2”再次卷入了一起黑帮事件。原来,当地的黑帮抢劫了“O2”的车,而车上的朱利安也被一同劫走了。面对黑帮提出的巨额赎金,“O2”实在无力支付。为了救回儿子,“O2”找到了以前亲密无间的表弟,希望他能助自己一臂之力。没想到表弟却是个贪生怕死之徒,怎么也不肯出手相助。无奈之下,他只好找到了以前和他有过一夜情的妓女可可。可可老谋深算、胆识过人,十分同情“O2”的遭遇,于是,他们的拯救行动开始了!