搜索 Eman

  • Over twenty years ago rival nations put aside political and cultural differences and came together in a demonstration of international co-operation to create something unique – The International Space Station. For the first time in history, driven by his innate impulse to explore, man had a permanently inhabited foothold in the heavens. THE WONDERFUL draws together personal sto...
  • 当她的狗在交通事故中丧生时,塔拉被迫取消了她的婚礼。在她狗的鬼魂的帮助下,在天堂的四分五裂的沟渠里,她的小镇一起集会,以确保塔拉有她梦想的婚礼。
  •   When a young soldier, newly returned from war, gets caught up in a drug bust, he is recruited by the authorities to go undercover in a notoriously dangerous prison in order to figure out what is really going on.
  • Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, the other quietly cares for her. A snake slithers around them, unnoticed.
  • 财大气粗的Altracorp公司在英属哥伦比亚省静河附近的一个无人小岛秘密进行一项生化实验,虽然遭到美国民众的一致反对,但是凭借其高超的公关手段以及政府的暗中支持,该实验仍在继续。然而一则令Altracorp头疼的消息传来,该小岛上的实验似乎发生差错,所有研究人员全部下落不明。为了找到生还者,查明失踪原因,公司派出由雷蒙德·华(Zero Kazama 饰)、瑞雪·甘特(Mary Christina Brown 饰)、苏菲·米勒(Victoria Floro 饰)、艾伦·崔斯坦(Rob O'Brien 饰)以及维尔·凯恩(Jai Koutrae 饰)5人组成的救援小组,开赴那个与世隔绝的神秘小岛。   登陆不久,队员们便找到一名失踪的研究人员,但是本已中弹倒地的生还者竟化作一团充满不祥气息的黑雾扑向了救援小队……