搜索 Che

  • Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exception. One of them is a murderer. This starts one night at a drive-in theater when a teenager was slaughtered in the back seat of his car while his girlfriend watched. Todd is found guilty for the...
  •   克林特·伊斯特伍德最后一部导演作品《二号陪审员》,讲述一个谋杀案件陪审团的成员怀疑他自己跟受害者的死有一定关系,陷入了道德困境:是利用陪审员的身份来迷惑他人、保护自己,还是对他正在参与的法律系统自首?
  • 吉隆坡29日讯)由Astro Shaw与Act 2 Pictures携手制作的本地新电影《GOLD》,讲述大马羽球残奥冠军谢儮好的真实故事及教练拿督拉昔西迪努力不懈的奋斗史。如今,该电影正如火如荼进行拍摄中,主演陈泽耀自曝为了拍这部电影瘦了12公斤,大拇指和右脚板还因此受伤,指甲随时都会脱落!   《GOLD》导演郑建国、主演陈泽耀及吕杨周二晚(28日)在沙亚南美拉华蒂室内体育馆接受大马媒体联访。在电影《GOLD》饰演大马羽球残奥冠军“谢儮好”的陈泽耀表示,自己很荣幸可以饰演“谢儮好”的角色,还能帮忙推广残奥运动,这也是他从影以来最有挑战的一部作品,身为右撇子的他,必须学习改用左手打球,难度非常高。   陈泽耀透露,当时在接演这部电影时,所有人都不好看自己可以练到用左手打球时,好胜心很强的他不甘心,想证明给所有人看,自己也可以用左手打球,“把不可能变成可能”...
  • Emi must deal with his magician parent's disappearance after a trick spirals out of control.
  • A sniper returns home from Afghanistan to his small Northern town. Confronted with the mundane reality of everyday life he longs for the release provided by shooting. Slowly his need for regimented military discipline takes over leading to violent confrontation.