搜索 Anya

  • When his sister's classmate, Leelaa, comes to spend the summer at his family home, a friendship is forged in few days and when our hero decides to take off on a road trip across the country, Leela is more than ready to join him. But something happens on that road trip. Situations go out of control and our lead pair are thrown into a vortex that they're completely unprepared for...
  • Ex-special forces officer turned Private security bodyguard Arjun Varma, agrees to protect Central Environment Minister Adtiya Raj Bahadur while he’s in London for a Climate Change Conference at the UN. But a series of events force him to protect much more than his client.
  •   爱莎的母性不是一种明显的本能,而是一直处于一种持续挣扎的状态。她在很年轻的时候就成为了母亲,这也深深地影响着她和处于青春期女儿的关系。尽管爱莎和17岁女儿维卡住在一起,但实际上她们很少与彼此互动。爱莎把大部分精力投入到她的护士工作之中,而维卡则常常与朋友们在溜冰公园溜达。随着维卡健康状况的迅速恶化,两人的日常生活被打乱。爱莎不得不走入维卡的生活,成为一个真正的母亲。维卡的病成了一个契机,让这个小家庭里的爱得以呈现。入围纽约翠贝卡电影节,荣获最佳女演员和最佳摄影奖。
  • 黑道家族二少爷Kinn被敌人暗算,在出逃期间与Porshe相遇,Porshe是一名大学生,在一个娱乐场所做兼职,刚好看到Kinn被人追杀,但并没打算上前解救。   然而…Kinn和Porsche做了个交易,如果Porshe肯救他,他愿意付钱作为回报。金钱的驱使让曾经获得过国家武术冠军的Porshe加入混战,他救出了Kinn并成功让他躲过了敌人的追杀。Porshe的好身手也令Kinn想让他当自己的贴身保镖,掘地三尺也要找到自己想要的人…   Porshe除了被Kinn穷追不舍,还被Kinn的敌人穷追不舍,走投无路的他不得不对命运妥协,最后成了Kinn的保镖,但他的内心是不情愿的,他不想被牵扯进这些疯狂的事情当中,因为害怕自己相依为命的弟弟陷入险境。可是上天好像在捉弄他一样,最后还是被迫答应了Kinn并进入他错综复杂的家族当中。   成为黑道家族的保镖要的就是身手,...