搜索 24

  •   The plot involves a woman who sets out a well-intentioned plan of bringing together her dysfunctional family in the wake of the family’s matriarch, her mother-in-law. She deceives her husband and others in to believe their mother left rules for the family to follow in the lead up to Christmas. Wanting to believe their mother left some guidance to help heal the wounds of her absence, the family comes together and follows the rules to the letter.
  • Cara is the alluring patient of engaged therapist Eric. She seeks counseling for her fetish of sleeping with taken men. But instead of addressing it, they find themselves starting a secret affair they just can't seem to stop.
  •   影片根据茅盾文学奖获奖者麦家的同名长篇小说改编,故事关于上世纪四十年代,世界局势风起云涌,及时准确破译敌方的通讯密码至关重要。容金珍(刘昊然 饰)自幼展现出惊人的数学天赋,被时任大学校长的小黎黎(吴彦祖 饰)和太太叶筱凝(俞飞鸿 饰)抚养长大。大学入学之际,容金珍因解出数学系老师希伊斯(约翰·库萨克 饰)布置的难题而被更多人注意到,其中就有神秘部门701局局长郑某(陈道明 饰),容金珍从此走进了密码破译的大门。
  • 一个修锁匠,拎着给刑警队修理好的手拷,历经千辛万苦,千里追寻过失致人死亡而畏罪潜逃的儿子投案自首,不但拯救了儿子的生命,同时也用自己的一只肾,挽救了另外一条年轻的生命。
  • 赵如蕊和赵如芯是一对姐妹。姐姐如蕊从小就是学霸,并将成为医生。相较下高中生如芯却很平庸,并不被父母老师重视,对姐姐如蕊嫉妒。如芯高考前夕,如蕊在一起车祸中身亡,给一家人巨大的打击。如芯在如蕊的遗物中发现另一部手机,对姐姐的生前感到疑惑。她独自前往姐姐生前所在的大城市……