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  •   《爱的万物论》导演詹姆士马许新作《作家不跳舞:等待贝克特》再以图像立传,将镜头转向《等待果陀》爱尔兰文学巨匠山缪贝克特的传奇人生,当掌声乍响,却褪尽荣光,诺贝尔文学奖获奖人贝克特的登台彷如一出荒诞戏码,展开一场作家与作家的自我对话。爱尔兰资深男演员盖布瑞拜恩一人分饰两角,极致演绎贝克特的自我诘问,更联手《正常人》抢眼新星菲恩奥沙,分章节共塑贝克特的多阶段人生。从年轻气盛的孤傲理想,到洗尽铅华的内敛深沉,平稳运镜典雅别致,心绪辗转引人深思。
  •   How does a self-professed misogynist become one of the world’s most influential people, and remain so even after being charged with rape and human trafficking? Andrew Tate’s meteoric rise to infamy has provoked global uproar, but the controversial figure is also a terrifying symptom of the increasingly fractured world in which we live, propelled by the social media platforms beneath our fingertips.  Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate & The Dark Side of the Internet goes beyond the headlines to explore how and why someone with such toxic views can take hold of so many millions of young followers. The film highlights the dark influence of social media platforms and how their carefully-crafted algorithms have shaped our world today. The documentary speaks with his critics and those who know him, along with some of the architects of the social media algorithms which came to allow extreme, hateful and misogynistic content to proliferate – all in the pursuit of profit for the platforms. In a new look at the dark side of the internet, the film uncovers the online forces boosting extreme content and catapulting inflammatory figures like Andrew Tate to worldwide attention, and how this content can spill over into shocking real-world harm.
  • 在 1989 年的同一天,四十三个婴儿莫名降生,而这些随机成为母亲的女性之前未有任何怀孕迹象,亦无任何关联。其中七个孩子由亿万富翁实业家雷金纳德·哈格里夫斯爵士收养,他创建了伞学院,并培养自己的“孩子”来拯救世界。但事情并未按计划进行。在他们的少年时代,这个家庭分裂了,团队也解散了。时至今日,六位幸存的成员已经三十几岁,他们因为哈格里夫斯去世的消息而重聚。卢瑟、迭戈、艾莉森、克劳斯、万尼亚和五号共同破解父亲神秘死亡的谜团。但由于个性和能力各异,这个关系疏远的家庭再一次濒临破裂,更不要说末日将至的威胁了。
  • 作为星球大战前传系列的首部曲,这部电影诞生了一个重要的人物:阿纳金(杰克·洛伊德 Jake Lloyd  . 饰)。银河国会会议上出现了利益争执,纳布星的女王阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman   饰)被贸易联盟绑架并威胁签署新的贸易协议。绝地武士奎刚(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)及徒弟欧比-旺?肯诺比(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor  饰)受命前去解决纠纷,维护和平。他们的飞船在塔图因星意外降落的时候遇到了阿纳金并且带走了他。  在奇异天才少年阿纳金等人的帮助下,奎刚及欧比-旺与贸易联盟的机器人部队和西斯武士展开了决斗.....