搜索 安东尼

  •   查尔斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)是一个腰缠万贯的百万富翁,对于他来说,金钱、权利和女人不过是生活的基本配置而已。但是,在为查尔斯打工的摄影师罗伯特(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)眼里,老板所拥有的一切,尤其是他年轻的妻子米琪(艾拉·麦克弗森 Elle Macpherson 饰)都让他感到十分眼红,但是,罗伯特不知道的是,敏感又细心的查尔斯早就开始怀疑起了他和米琪之间的清白。  在一次工作中,众人乘坐的飞机发生了事故,一行人流落到了阿拉斯加的荒原之上。匮乏的资源,恶劣的天气,凶恶的野生动物,一切的一切都威胁着大家的性命,但最最可怕的,其实是每个人深藏在心底的黑暗面。
  • 1839年,运送黑奴的阿米斯塔德号在大洋上遭遇暴风雨,黑奴们趁乱暴动,将船员砍杀,控制了阿米斯塔德号后试图驶回家乡,然而六周后,他们阴差阳错抵达了美国,幸存下来的44名黑奴被美国军方逮捕,并将面临杀人罪的指控。此时,西班牙女王向美国总统要求引渡这些属于西班牙的黑奴;两名海军军官也宣称黑奴是他们的战利品;另有人拿出了在古巴购买这些黑奴的证明。各方争执之际,废奴会的领袖之一、同时也是船公司负责人的乔德森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)与友人塔培安雇佣了律师罗杰,希望证明这些黑奴来自非洲,从而在废奴观念深入人心的大环境下为他们谋取自由……
  • his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come.  This is the story of Northern Soul.  Award-winning director Elaine Constantine has recently completed filming her first feature-length film Northern Soul, with an intended cinematic release in Spring Summer 2013.  The film tells the tale of two Northern boys whose worlds are changed forever when they discover black American soul music.  Northern Soul was phenomenally popular with British youths in the 1970s, taking the North of the country by storm. Northern Soul the film intends to appeal to those generations of fans while attracting a modern audience who can relate to youth culture from another era. If you were there, you’ll know. If you weren’t there, you’ll wish you had been.
  • Former Buffalo Soldier Mo Washington travels West to lay claim on a gold mine. After her stagecoach is ambushed, Mo is tasked with holding a dangerous outlaw captive and must survive the day when the bandit's gang tries to free him.
  • 二十世纪70年代,旧金山出现了一个自称“十二宫”的杀人狂,杀人后,向媒体寄一封信,留下密码、线索,向警方挑衅,多次的阴差阳错使案件陷入僵局,警方渐渐束手无策。连环杀人案件也引起了《旧金山纪事报》的记者罗伯特(杰克?格兰恩哈尔 饰)和保罗(小罗伯特?唐尼 饰)的注意,他们在警察大卫(马克?普法洛 饰)的帮助下,开始调查这一系列的连环凶杀案件,在和“十二宫”杀手斗志斗勇的同时,他们个人的生活也面临了极大的挑战。