搜索 玛丽

  • After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Their stalker threatens to post a bloody horror novel based on them on social media. Each chapter one of them will die. While distrusting each other, the group will begin a fight for s...
  • 乔什·维金斯、凯尔·麦克拉克伦、玛丽亚·贝罗等主演,基思·贝尔曼执导。麦克拉克伦与贝罗饰演已分手的一对夫妇,然而他们的儿子(维金斯饰)在一次聚会意外后,将面临人生的巨大震颤。   幼时已是好友的少年Franky(乔什·维金斯)和Ballas(戴伦·曼)既是同班同学,也在同一游泳队,他们也都有各自的女朋友,然而Franky生日派对过后发生的一件事,使得他们今后的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。
  • 著名英国记者大卫·洛克(Jack Nicholson 饰)奔赴北非,意欲采访当地的反政府游击队,但是因语言不通,洛克始终无法到达对方营地。洛克回到旅馆,发现在飞机上结识的邻屋商人劳勃森死亡。两人近似的相貌令洛克突然决定与对方互换身份,于是洛克的死讯传回国内,与洛克感情处于冷冻期的妻子瑞秋起初情绪平静,但很快开始怀念丈夫。同时洛克假借劳勃森的身份与一些人接头,发现该商人暗地里与北非游击队进行武器交易。洛克辗转至西班牙时,英国制片人联系瑞秋准备拍摄关于洛克的电影,瑞秋对劳勃森颇为在意,建议剧组寻找此人。洛克在西班牙结识了一位学习建筑的姑娘(Maria Schneider 饰),两人结伴游荡并躲避英国方面的寻找,在这场身份游戏中越走越远……   本片获1976年丹麦波迪奖最佳欧洲电影奖等多项褒奖。
  •   Dreamy animated images in detailed henna painting and atmospheric watercolours dominate a young Spanish artist’s moving journey of discovery. In a small bookshop in India, Inés comes across the feminist-utopian science fiction story “Sultana’s Dream.” It is about the terrible revenge on men, the bookseller explains. In the slim volume she wrote in 1905, Rokeya Hossain describes the fantasy realm of Ladyland – a land in which women are self-determined and live in peace, in which they run all government affairs and all forms of education are open to them. And the men? Their place in Ladyland, the bookseller continues, is where they belong: locked up at home.  Fascinated by the literary “painting” of this place and its inventor, Inés sets out in the footsteps of the writer and teacher Hossain, who championed education and equal rights for Indian girls and women as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The trip takes the Spaniard across contemporary India. Her companions are the dreams of Ladyland – and the utterly different realities of the lives of the women she meets on her journey.
  •   贫困潦倒的弗兰克一家育有五子,第六个孩子也即将出生,另一对律师中产夫妇则无法生育,两家人开始了一场游走于法律暗面的交易。影片用悬疑片的类型桥段颇有新意地包装了人口贩卖这个旧主题,角色的阶层差异难掩人性共通,律师知法犯法更显无奈与讽刺。该片使用特殊的1.50:1画幅收紧了景别,聚焦人物表情与心理状态,凸显出法律秩序下的个体选择。提名2023年凯撒奖最佳处女作奖和最佳女配角奖,荣获2023年卢米埃尔奖最佳处女作奖。