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  •   In every movie that he watches, 16-year-old Andoy creates narratives that could help him find answers to the questions that have always bothered him: Who is he and who is his father? While the truth remains elusive, his imaginings remain unrealized until two movie-like characters appear in their barrio - Ariel, a hairdresser who lures young men with his inexplicable charm, and Isidro, a mysterious, long-haired man who owns a VCD player. Andoy finds himself entranced with Ariel and Isidro and begins to spend intimate time with them. As he gets entangled with their twisted lives, his reality becomes mystified. Just like the movies, Andoy must decide whether to conclude his years-long search for his father with a bang or with a whimper.
  • 这部纪录片详细介绍了太阳系的起源、形成,探讨人类是否是太空中唯一的智慧生命。通过对专家和宇航员的采访、多方航天航空机构的支持、以及人类在航天航空探索中拍摄到的精彩画面,观众得以全方位探索太空,追溯人类进入太空的惊人旅程以及令人难以置信的发现,见证航天航空的巨大挑战与飞速发展,形成一部对太阳、邻近行星及其卫星、小行星的权威指南,极具教育意义。
  • 2024年,一名少女意外穿越回 2003年,而她的姐姐将在几天后被一名蒙面杀手杀害。她能否在不毁掉未来的情况下改变过去?
  •   讲述了年轻警官麦迪的故事,她决心继承已故父亲的遗志。当当地人被僵尸袋鼠残忍撕成碎片时,她的勇气受到了考验。当不死野兽留下大屠杀的痕迹时,麦迪在她古怪的叔叔施密蒂和坚韧的阿姨唐娜的帮助下,必须展开一场高风险的战斗来拯救这座小镇。
  •   根据同名童话改编,塑造了几个可爱的动物形象:胆小怕事但又生性喜欢冒险的鼹鼠,热情好客、充满浪漫情趣的河鼠,侠义十足、具有领袖风范的老獾,喜欢吹牛、臭显、追求时髦的蛤蟆、敦厚老实的水獭--他们生活在河岸或者大森林里,有乐同享,有难同当。  虚荣的蛤蟆连连闯祸。为了教育他,动物们煞费苦心,对他百般说服教育。当蛤蟆的住宅被黄鼠狼霸占,他们联合起来,齐心协力,用智慧战胜了比他们数量多得多的黄鼠狼。蛤蟆大受感动,从此决心改正身上的毛病,变成一个好蛤蟆。