搜索 Re

  •   一个印度女孩因为不愿意接受父母安排的婚事而来到美国。在这里她结识了一个美国女孩,两人很快成为好朋友。在好朋友的介绍下她逐渐开始接触美国的男生,但是文化背景的巨大差异让她苦恼不已,但是好事多磨,最后女主终于找到了自己的意中人,收获了完美的爱情。
  • 10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.
  •   一直作為米路斯.科曼劇本鐵三角(另一位是帕培錫,也是本片編劇之一)成員的艾雲.巴薩,當然也走低度戲劇路線。同是音樂家的彼德與卡洛老友重逢,生活狀況大不同,你有伴侶我有家庭,然而都有說不出的不明朗,唯有以酒與音樂代替口水。全片推展不問目的,只在剎那間的意圖,行行企企比起科曼更義無反顧,卻有生活淡如流水的詩意和繆思,叫觀眾聯想到二十年後的伊力.盧馬。巴薩鍾愛音樂的程度不下於文字和電影,古典音樂與民間音樂於全片迴轉迴盪,難怪成了奇斯洛夫斯基十大心愛電影之一。    康城影展青年評審團獎,美國全國影評人協會特別獎    這部1966年的珍品,是捷克新浪潮短暫生命中最佳作品之一。成名音樂家到小鎮探訪舊同學,舊同學是個窮音樂教師,有時在喪禮上吹奏樂曲。平凡的素材在巴素手裡,變出風趣復罕見的旋律,一部憂鬱的喜劇,或灰色喜劇。
  • In Namibia, a country where sodomy is still a crime and gay relationships are stigmatized against, two lives intersect: George and Simeon. Two secrets. One unlikely meeting in a bar.
  • After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to form a family - something both have lacked for a while.