- "An Almost Christmas Story" follows Moon, a curious young owl who unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost little girl named Luna. Together, they embark on a heartwarming adventure, discovering the magic of the holiday season and forming an unlikely bond as they journey back home to their parents. “An Almost Christmas Story” starts streaming, November 15 on Disney+.
- Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Warren, after he loses his fiance's dog at a gender reveal party on the day of an important shoot. As he struggles to finish his latest project with the help of a New York critic, the pursuit of the lost dog and the chaos of his film begin to blend and Alan grows desperate for the day to be over.
- 纽约剧团要重排《天鹅湖》,因前领舞Beth(薇诺娜•赖德 Winona Ryder 饰)离去,总监Thomas(文森特•卡索尔 Vincent Cassel. 饰)决定海选新领舞,且要求领舞要分饰黑天鹅与白天鹅。Nina(娜塔莉•波特曼Natalie Portman 饰)自幼练习芭蕾舞,在母亲的细心关照下,技艺出众。这次,她希望可以脱颖而出。然而,在竞争中,她发现心机颇重的Lily(米拉•库妮丝 Mila Kunis 饰)是自己的强劲对手。在选拔中,她的白天鹅表演的无可挑剔,但是黑天鹅不及Lily。她感到身心俱疲,回家还发现了背部的红斑与脚伤。她一个人找到总监,希望争取一下。总监趁机亲吻她,却被她强硬拒绝。结果,总监居然选了她。队友怀疑她靠色相上位。在酒会上,Beth甚至当众发泄。这种压力外加伤病,一直影响着她的发挥。总监启发她要释放激情,表现出黑天鹅的诱惑。在强大的心理暗示中,她似乎也滑向了黑天鹅的角色……