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  • 沉默而孤独的中年男人赛扬·费尔南德斯(伊尔凡·可汗 Irfan Khan 饰)妻子去世多年,工作也快到了退休之时。形单影只的赛扬上班下班吃饭回家,寂寞的时候就在阳台上抽烟,不发出一句响声;伊拉(妮拉特·考尔 Nimrat Kaur 饰),一个单纯简单的家庭主妇。她把所有的感情都投入到了家庭中,把照顾女儿伺候丈夫视为自己的责任。她只希望她的丈夫能多看她一眼,多关注她一些。两个生活在孟买完全不可能有交集的男女,居然因为一次午餐错拿而有了交集,引起了共鸣。他们开始用传统而含蓄的书信进行往来,向对方倾诉自己的孤独和寂寞。在城市的两个角落里,一个阴差阳错的美丽错误,两个彼此陌生的男女,一段触不可及的感情缓缓开始。©豆瓣
  •   Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in Black Sea. He earns his life breeding a few animals, while looking for a mineral reserve on the mountains but his pursuit is seen as useless by his family. Destroyed in search of a mineral reserve, his hope is renewed with the news of a competition.
  • 本片讲述空军上尉甘见·萨塞纳开创历史的从军之途,看她如何从一位怀抱雄心壮志的飞行员,一路到卡吉尔战争期间,成为印度首位女性战机飞行员。
  •   影片根据导演布莱克周遭的真实故事改编,此前曾改编为一部同名短片。影片描绘曼德薇饰演的年轻母亲,努力拯救她14岁的儿子,使其脱离全国性的毒品销售企业。迪金森则饰演一个专门利用脆弱少年,并将他们带到英国县界的帮派招募人员。
  •   Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series of cons that involve seducing and kidnapping west LA trophy wives in order to extort money from their wealthy husbands. However, their latest victim Rebecca is not who she seems, threatening to ruin everything just when Patrick's had a change of heart and ready to call it quits.