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  • 莱克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是中情局的老牌特工,最近,他疑似患上了老年痴呆症,因此被上司责令退休。就在这个节骨眼上,莱克的徒弟米尔顿(安东·叶利钦 Anton Yelchin 饰)意外发现穷凶极恶的恐怖分子巴尼尔(亚历山大·卡里姆 Alexander Karim 饰),同时亦是莱克与其斗争了一辈子的死对头,并没有像坊间传闻的那样已经死去,正相反,邪恶的他蠢蠢欲动,准备大干一票。   唯一能够对付巴尼尔的就是莱克了,在米尔顿和米歇尔(伊莲娜·雅各布 Irène Jacob 饰)的帮助下,莱克开始了一项秘密而又危险的行动。为了追踪巴尼尔的踪迹,莱克一行人穿梭在世界各地,最终,他们能否消灭这位强大的对手呢?
  • 警探安东尼的生活一团糟乱,自己海洛因上瘾,老婆还怀了别人的孩子。在奉命跟踪调查城市最大的毒贩时,两个同伴被杀,安东尼也躺在病床上昏迷不醒。在不久奇迹般的苏醒后,安东尼发现自己的老婆已经被差点要了自己命的那个毒贩给绑架了。现在他再没有什么东西可以失去,只能义无反顾的去救出自己的亲人,为了正义不惜一切代价。
  • Terminally ill Anna returns to Oregon to reconnect with her estranged brother while simultaneously making the qiwan.cc heart-wrenching choice to end her life putting to use the Death with Dignity Act.
  •   The story of Parker’s new effort, penned by William “Billy” Ivory, is inspired by true events and is set in the summer of 2014. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France, octogenarian Bernard Jordan (played by Michael Caine) made global headlines. He’d staged a “great escape” from his care home to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades. The bittersweet script is said to explore “the reality with wit and a very big heart”. Bernie’s adventure, spanning just 48 hours, also marked the culmination of his 60-year marriage to Irene (Glenda Jackson). The film will also celebrate “their love without any sentimentality and with an eye to the lessons we might all learn from the Greatest Generation”.
  • 宁静的澳洲海滩上,宿醉的救生员乔许(泽维尔·塞缪尔 Xavier Samuel 饰)让女友蒂娜(沙妮·文森 Sharni Vinson 饰)的哥哥罗利替他去海上例行检查防鲨网的设置,结果罗利遭到了鲨鱼的袭击,罗利的死对乔许和蒂娜造成了很大的心理阴影,乔许为此对女友充满了歉疚,乔许为此放弃了救生员的工作去超市做了理货员,蒂娜也远赴中国学习舞蹈。一年后,当蒂娜重新返回澳洲后,和乔许在超市不期而遇,与此同时,超市里风起云涌,偷窃、抢劫……就在这起突发事件白炽化的时候,地动天摇,海啸铺天盖地而来,超市立刻沦为孤岛,大鲨鱼随之而来,一场人鲨大战瞬间展开……