搜索 And

  •   Just after the First World War Fred Roberts goes for a job as a newspaper journalist and tells the sub-editor how, in the trenches in 1916, he discovered a printing press in working order. Helped by ex-printer Sergeant Harris and with his friend Jack Pearson as his assistant, he sets up the Wipers Times - the name coming from the soldiers' pronunciation of the town Ypres. Despite disapproval from officious Colonel Howfield but with backing from sympathetic General Mitford they produce twenty-three issues of a satirical magazine - its articles represented on screen in black and white - which boosts morale and even gets mentioned in the Tatler. The press is destroyed by a German shell but another is found and the paper's title changed to fit in with wherever the regiment is deployed.
  •   两名美国青年踏上越南之旅,按着一封父辈的信的指引去寻找他们留下的足迹
  • 幸福是什么?Linus说,幸福是那条哪怕破了、潮了,也依然美丽的蓝色毛毯; Lucy说,幸福是温柔的凝视着弹钢琴的男孩,哪怕他眼里只有贝多芬;Snoopy说,幸福是躺在红色小木屋上,睡到自然醒。   Linus的幸福之源——毛毯总是和Linus如影随形。Linus有多喜欢这条毛毯,其他伙伴就有多希望这条毛毯消失。于是Linus的姐姐Lucy骗他说,如果不改掉这个毛病,不久要来的奶奶就会亲自处理他。这句话让Linus听的瑟瑟发抖。于是在小伙伴的帮忙或捣乱的情况下,Linus开始了这场遗忘毛毯之旅。但分别总是令人格外痛苦,伤心的Linus只想告诉大家:我只是需要我的毛毯,这有错吗。
  •   《我的阿弟》讲述了高中普通男生Mork(Drake Laedeke饰演)和学霸校草Tee(Frank Thanatsaran饰演)之间的故事。Mork和Tee三年前就认识并且是一对非常要好的死党,却因某天Tee在Mork家过夜时发生了不可描述的事, 导致两人友情决裂,三 年后,Tee主动上门理发寻找失去的友情,而Mork一开始却装作不认识Tee,于是……