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  • Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of intestinal fortitude and willpower, Lyle manages to convince David that ...
  • “The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he falls in love with Sofia, his first victim, who’s just 14. To save her, his father demands he seduces a second girl, entangling Ulises in the world of juvenile prostitution that he was trying to avoid, from which escape come at a very high price.
  •   一个印度女孩因为不愿意接受父母安排的婚事而来到美国。在这里她结识了一个美国女孩,两人很快成为好朋友。在好朋友的介绍下她逐渐开始接触美国的男生,但是文化背景的巨大差异让她苦恼不已,但是好事多磨,最后女主终于找到了自己的意中人,收获了完美的爱情。
  •   安老院最受欢迎的是什么,你懂的。老耶爱扮上帝致电一只脚已在天堂的老人:“天堂暂时无配额,继续和日子拼吧。”他很得意做了续命天使,不过上天看上这个机器达人,另有安排。垂死老友的妻子怂恿他发明死亡机器,知情者竟勒索老耶帮老婆圆梦安乐死。老耶如再世阎王,更组成死亡兵团,德行传遍安老院。自救自强相扶持从来是对付命运的杀手锏,两导举重若轻,以黑色和荒诞冲击无情的道德封锁区。获西班牙瓦拉多利德电影节最佳电影奖、威尼斯影展最受观众欢迎奖。
  •   查理(乔纳森·戈登 Jonathan Gordon 饰)和塞巴斯蒂安(杰森·拉尔夫 Jason Ralph 饰)是青梅竹马的玩伴,彼此之间感情十分要好,可是,随着年岁渐长,查理渐渐发现,自己和出生在名门望族的富家公子塞巴斯蒂安之间的距离越来越遥远,更糟糕的是,查理对塞巴斯蒂安的感情,早已经由单纯的友谊转变成了痴迷的爱恋。  就在查理为了这份感情陷入深深的痛苦之中时,一位名叫蒂姆(哈兹·斯雷曼 Haaz Sleiman 饰)的钢琴师来到了查理的身边,在蒂姆的陪伴下,查理终于决定忘记过去,放眼未来,然而就在这个节骨眼上,塞巴斯蒂安的家族企业破产了,绝望的他企图从查理的身上找到依靠和温暖。