搜索 Il

  •   故事发生在新奥尔良,这里是犯罪者们的天堂。西恩(强尼·斯特朗 Johnny Strong 饰)是一名嫉恶如仇经验丰富的警探,他的儿子在一场意外之中不幸死去,妻子亦因此而选择了离开,几乎是在霎时间,西恩失去了重要的一切。西恩将所有的仇恨都算在的犯罪分子们的头上,在工作中,他的作风更加暴力武断,对对手毫不留情,因此屡屡遭到投诉,濒临被停职的边缘。  近日里,西恩的辖区内频频发生性质十分恶劣的暴力事件,凶手手段极为残忍,就连毒枭韦德(马索·曼恩 Method Man 饰)的弟弟也深受其害不幸死去,而这一切的罪魁祸首是和韦德对立的帮派首领雷蒙德(科斯塔斯·曼迪勒 Costas Mandylor 饰)。
  • 汤姆(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)与安娜(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)是一对儿生活在伦敦的美国夫妇,受到金融风暴影响,生活陷入拮据困境。在即将面临被驱逐的紧要时刻,一笔“意外之财”从天而降。岂料私藏这笔钱没有想象中容易。在这背后竟然隐藏着一场连环黑吃黑的毒品交易和精心策划的复仇计划。黑帮老大,成瘾毒贩,资深警探,普通良民,每个人怀着不同的心思,绞尽脑汁、机关算尽,上演着谎言与谎言的明争暗斗。而为了独享这笔“横财”,真正头破血流的绝杀逃亡也拉开了序幕……
  • Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another.  The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!
  •  马丁与罗格这对儿老搭档再次出马,但是一开场就将歹徒的炸弹引爆毁掉了整座大楼,罗格退休前一星期的生活就这样开始了第二天,两人在街上偶遇假冒解款人员的匪徒,一番苦战将对方擒获,但是警队却将此案移交内政部美丽的女探员劳娜负责。关押中的犯人被警察查韦斯射杀,马丁追捕对方但终于错失。罗格在一次街头枪战中射杀了儿子的好友,满心愧疚让他暂时离开调查。马丁与劳娜的组合逐步介入了案件幕后一起武器贩卖集团的交易,该集团实力强大,与近期的大宗枪支失窃案有密切关系,马丁的出现,打乱了对方的步骤。很快罗格归队,三人向犯罪集团发起了最后的冲击。本片获1993年MTV电影奖最佳动作场面奖。