- 电影《大瑟尔》改编自凯鲁亚克的同名小说,凯鲁亚克记叙了自己三次前往小木屋的经历,小木屋位于加利福利亚州的大瑟尔(大苏尔)。凯鲁亚克第一次独自前往小木屋时,渴求一种遗世独立的归隐生活。凯鲁亚克作为一名成功的作者,收获了超乎想象的名声以及媒体无限的关注,但这一切让他无法承受。他开始厌倦这样生活,他决意返回旧金山,与老友重聚,其中还包括了其他诗人和作家。有一次,他携朋友们周末重返故地,在小木屋一醉方休。后来,他一位朋友将自己的情人比莉介绍给他。杰克和比莉经历了一周的翻云覆雨,他们决定带上比莉的儿子艾略特,同时还有另一对夫妇回到大瑟尔(大苏尔)的木屋。最后,凯鲁亚克精神近乎奔溃,他意识到是该回东海岸了……(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
- Forensic scientist Lisa is obsessed with the beauty of the human body, and believes that physical love heals, gives relief from the burden of trauma and problems. Therefore, she leads an extremely free lifestyle and quite often enters into casual relationships for one night. But one day on the sectional table in front of Lisa is the body of a girl with whom she spent the night the night before. A photograph of an unknown man is printed on the body of the victim.