搜索 Sarah

  •   职业杀手诺克斯,某日得知自己罹患比阿兹海默症更为严重的罕见疾病“库贾氏病”,他的记忆将在几周内全数消失。这让他决定跟搭档汤米执行杀手生涯的最后一次任务,没想到汤米却在途中意外身亡。诺克斯试图清理犯罪现场,并在警察抵达前先行离开。不料返家之后,等待他的却是关系疏远、久未联系的儿子迈尔斯。迈尔斯浑身是血地向诺克斯解释自己在与伤害女儿的凶手对峙时,失手杀了对方,希望父亲能够帮他掩盖罪行…。面对逐步逼近的警察、焦急求助的儿子,以及正在迅速恶化的病情,诺克斯在三方包夹之下,决定寻求好友哈维尔的协助,以帮助他执行逃脱计划。同时,他还找上前妻为自己的离开做准备…。究竟诺克斯能否在记忆消失之前,顺利突破重围呢?
  • 伊芙和她的朋友偷偷溜出去参加派对,但是她的朋友死了,伊芙失去了她的大学奖学金。很快,她找到了一份工作来支付学费,但她的工作只是一个幌子,这个危险的糖果计划导致了她朋友的死亡。
  • 一种致命传染病蔓延全球,引发一连串战争和暴动,造成无数人死亡。社会崩坏后倖存下来的人们,开始过著争夺资源的生活。雪上加霜的是,危害性命的不仅疾病,不明生物也随之出现。唯有结伴同行奋力一搏,才有存活的可能。然而在信任丧失的末日后世界,面前的人类是敌是友,得到了最后一刻才能知晓。
  •   Small town, England. 1575. William embarks on a journey to prove the innocence of his wife, Twyla, falsely accused of being a witch and will be put to death if found guilty. William must hunt down the real witch, to save Twyla from death.
  •   Fifteen years after a summer romance, destiny comes calling for two star-crossed lovers. Zoe and Luke almost shared their first kiss at Camp Pine Lake, but they were interrupted, and their teenage romance ended. Now, Luke (Barry Watson) is a philanthropic entrepreneur who recently purchased his uncle’s Camp Pine Lake for sentimental reasons, only to find out the camp may get shut down for safety code violations. Zoe (Mia Kirshner) is the point person from a firm assigned to convince the new camp owner to sell his land. When Zoe arrives , she is stunned to learn that Luke is the new owner. Everything changes for Zoe when she realizes Luke isn’t interested in making a profit, but instead wants the camp to stay open. When she's cornered by her boss, Zoe agrees to use her friendship with Luke to their advantage. Will the two be able to overcome the deception to rekindle their old flame and save their childhood retreat at the same time?