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  • With series ten due to launch on Sunday 18 April at 8pm and series 11 about to commence filming, Call The Midwife will now be on air until 2024. Series 12 and 13, commissioned by Piers Wenger, Director of BBC Drama and Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer, will consist of two 8x60’ series and two Christmas specials.
  •   萨米(萨尔曼·汗 Salman Khan 饰)从小到大都是一个功夫非常了得的人,无论遇到大事还是小事,萨米都习惯性的选择用自己的拳头去解决,而他的拳头也确确实实的帮他解决了不少的难题,在爱慕的姑娘因为害怕他的拳脚而选择了离开他后,萨米来到了果阿,在这里谋了份海滨浴场救生员的职务,想要开启一段崭新的生活,顺便寻找下一段爱情。  在好友的介绍下,萨米认识了美丽动人的女孩拉妮(朴雅卡·乔普拉 Priyanka Chopra 饰),拉妮的父亲是一名退役的上校,在当地非常的有名望,萨米对拉妮一见钟情,可是当他想要向拉妮表白时,却误打误撞的打了拉妮的父亲。
  • 一个受到精神创伤的孩子成为了一名纳萨尔派分子,被捕后必须同意成为一名警察刺客。
  • 电影讲述一部关于信仰扭曲的故事,为见证殉道者慷慨赴义的死后世界,一群崇尚怪奇道理的组织成员,不断绑架牺牲者,用尽残忍手法将他们虐杀,好从他们弥留的眼神里,窥见殉道者的世界。露西10岁时曾遭绑架犯监禁凌虐,即使后来幸运逃脱,阴影仍笼罩心头挥之不去,而露西在孤儿院结识的好友 安娜,则是她唯一的依靠。十年后,深受过往回忆折磨的露西,意外发现当年绑架她的绑匪一家人,便冒险展开了危机四伏的追踪,安娜担忧好友的安危与之同行,殊料两人正一步步陷入凶恶的处境,当年绑架案背后的恐怖真相也即将浮现…
  •   On the surface it's believed to be another urban legend - a supernatural being from the afterlife is violently killing anyone who cheats on their significant other in the small college town of Silvercreek, Pennsylvania. But the town's unusually high suicide rate is finally convincing both locals and college students that everything is not as it seems. When Maeve - a female college student - sleeps with Charlie, the married man of the host family she is staying with, both sense the deadly curse is closing in on them. Unable to get anyone to believe them, Maeve and Charlie seek out a local history student to help find answers and figure out a way to defend themselves. It all comes undone, however, as several people are horrifically killed by the savage being - one-by-one at a rapid pace. Eventually, Maeve, Charlie and the few survivors band together in an attempt to defeat the monster once and for all.