搜索 Jae

  • Kyung-woo自小就有视障问题,所以对UFO感到好奇的她永远不能看见自己想见的东西。在辅导中心工作的她因为夜归,每晚都乘搭尾班巴士回家。而驾驶这尾班巴士的便是PARKSang-hyun。失恋过的Sang-hyun日间是一名巴士司机,但放工后便在自己的家仿如电台唱片骑师般主持节目。有时他会因独自主持节目而感到寂寞。Sang-hyun和Kyung-woo本来并不相识,然而某一晚Kyung-woo坐巴士坐到总站仍未下车,Sang-hyun便上前唤醒她……
  •   一次撞机后,已经失控的客机的继续飞行在德国上空。撞击点却不得而知,而柏林的中心在精准的计算后,也就是现在,为了阻止灾难的降临,必须将飞机必须击落以获得更小的损失。
  • 三個女人、一個即將出世的嬰兒,與一場「母親」身分的交易。一對富裕的夫婦來到僻靜的農場,一對母女住在這,未成年的女兒懷了孕,見不得人。她們協議--不孕的少婦住在這等孩子出世,待少女生產以後,她便帶走嬰兒,未婚小媽也能「解決」孩子,重啟新生活。隨著這個誰都不屬於的小生命即將降臨,三人的壓力逐解膨脹,看似完美的計畫也一點一點裂解……   A weathered woman and her odd teen-aged daughter live in isolation on a desolate farm in South Korea. An affluent city woman comes to t hem seeking help with a sensitive matter and the three women soon fall into a n...
  • Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors.
  • 当单亲妈妈伊娃科瓦奇失去了工作后,她应聘了报纸上的广告——最多可提供每月2000欧元,包括手工编织 ——毫无疑问,她的新老板亨里克是骗子。他的工人不知道的是,他对卖成品,针织服装根本无意。相反,他作出一个销售的针织机,他以高额利润说服他的工人。就像着了魔的女人,伊娃不停生产针织服装直到她被告知在里克找到买家前她将没有任何工资。震惊之下,伊娃坚决捍卫自己的权利,并把里克叫做骗子。知道自己的计划可能遭到破坏,里克试图将她赶走,但伊娃并不是那么容易却步。她采取主动,与百货公司谈判大合同,然后追寻里克的其他受害者,说服他们和她一起工作。感受到伊娃的热情,他们都加入她的团队,一起对抗里克