搜索 Gille

  • This movie is also called Dust of life in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994.  In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America.  Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com.  Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
  •   2020年夏,巴黎结束了第一波疫情封城。剧团正在香榭大道的剧院里,排练从普鲁斯特的小说《盖尔芒特家那边》改编的新戏。不料演出取消的传闻甚嚣尘上,是否继续排戏,意见众说纷纭。有人顾忌无法保持社交距离,有人担心撞期下一档戏,有人因演出取消而松了一口气。在导演要排戏的坚持下,演员们半信半疑重拾戏服。没了演出压力后,他们反而觉得自在,不分昼夜自主排练。戏里的台词、表情、走位练习,无意间与演员戏外的生活融为一体。普鲁斯特追忆的往事似乎与各种被疫情扰乱的心情遥相呼应。焦虑与恐惧、孤独与渴望悄然在镜头与对白里成形,难以分说那究竟是戏里似水的年华,还是戏外因防疫逝去的时光。无论演出取消与否,所有人决定用尽全力享受相聚排戏的欢乐。
  • 从近处看,米克尔似乎在欲望的笼罩中四处走动:找到他失踪的猪,获得生物学证明,在菜子沙漠中打破孤独。 但是,更进一步,米克尔似乎反而吸引了保罗。
  • Jack (Peter Vack) is an internet gambler living in NYC. After the death of his roommate, he becomes fixated on Scarlet (Julia Fox) - a cam girl from San Francisco. His obsession reaches a boiling point when fantasy materializes in reality and Jack sees Scarlet on a rainy Chinatown street.
  • 一个隐居者,他在森林中简朴的房子里过着自给自足的生活。在一次散步中,他发现一个半裸的年轻人,他向他提供衣服、食物和住所。当警察上门,才得知这个神秘的年轻人竟然犯了谋杀罪,他们无言的友谊受到了考验。隐士面临着一个道德困境,他应该帮助他还是告发他?