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  •   故事围绕一名前UFC拳手(杰克·吉伦哈尔饰)展开,他在佛罗里达礁岛群一家满是牛鬼蛇神的酒吧担任保镖工作,但他很快发现,一切并非都像这个热带天堂一样美好。
  • 公元120年,全盛时期的罗马帝国正准备入侵亚洲,但远东霸主中国想要独自掌控这片土地,他们绝不会向罗马帝国屈服,让出一分一厘的土地。对权力的渴求只能通过饮血来纾解,获得飨足。中古时代陆地上两个最强大的国家之间的冲突一触即发,它们的碰撞将会创造出前所未有的伟大而神秘的传奇。   本片讲述了在这样的文化背景下,亚历山大大帝后裔、一位名叫“Merong Mahawangsa”的勇敢海军上尉,率领船队护送罗马王子来亚洲与中国公主完婚的故事。在旅途中,他将经历不少浪漫而危险的事件
  • 出品四届艾美奖最佳影集《广告狂人》、两届艾美奖最佳影集《绝命毒师》、艾美奖提名作品《谋杀》和金球奖最佳影集提名及美国最高收视作品《行尸走肉》的金奖电视网AMC即将推出旗下首部自制纪实迷你影集《纽约黑帮纪实》(The Making of The Mob: New York)。全片采用半纪录片、半剧情片(Docu-drama)的模式,讲述Charles “Lucky” Luciano,、Meyer Lansky、Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel等人由街边的年轻混混崛起成为涉足私酒走私生意,双手沾满鲜血、恶贯满盈的黑帮匪徒的坎坷历程。   这部八集史诗影集由艾美奖最佳男主角雷·利奥塔担纲旁白,帮助美国历史频道打造《造就美国的人》、《世界大战》等艾美奖获奖纪实影集的Stephen David Entertainment监制。   除了场景再现和历史影像...
  • Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies. Can they put their differences aside and work together to survive the night? Fat chance! This is High School after all.
  •   Metal music, wet paint, and family are the passions of Jesse, a struggling painter who lives a happy life with his wife, Astrid, and their preteen daughter, Zooey. And things look even brighter when Jesse and Astrid are able to put in a bid on their dream home - a huge property in rural Texas with a barn big enough for a proper art studio - after the price is driven down due to the home's mysterious past. After the trio moves in, Jesse's work starts taking on a new, considerably darker flavour - and things get even more ominous when Ray, the hulking, clearly unbalanced son of the deceased former owners, appears on the doorstep one night, clutching a red electric guitar and asking to "return home." It soon becomes clear that Ray and Jesse are both being influenced by the same satanic forces, and that Jesse's family won't be safe until they find a way to quiet the Devil himself.