搜索 Aria

  • 故事发生在1989年的墨西哥,32位来自全国各地的女孩来到一座神秘的庄园,为赢得“墨西哥小姐”选美比赛而努力训练。她们不仅需要赢得桂冠,更重要的是能活着结束比赛。
  •   Sex and politics collide in this harrowing, hard-hitting tale of forbidden love, blackmail and murder. Set up by the secret police to compromise a prominent politician, a teenage hustler discovers himself passionately in love with the man he must betray. Written by Jim Stark  A rising politician risks his career and his marriage when his homosexual desires are reawakened following a hospital visit. At first he's safe enough with one night stands with young rent boys chosen by a discreet hustler that he met in the hospital. But, when he falls for one of the boys he meets and starts bringing the young man into his family, the risks escalate. What he does not know is that the political opposition knows of his vice and have planted the boy.
  •   15 岁的男孩布鲁诺与母亲和弟弟住在巴西的一个小镇上。某天,他从眼科医生那里得知自己患了眼病,即将失明。与此同时,他也正在经历青春期的困惑和苦痛。哈罗德·博尔赫斯独立执导的首部作品,他从1300 多名试镜者中选拔出小演员,在他们的合作中,重新设计了部分场景,并修改了剧本,赋予电影更多的现实主义元素。而演员也通过其自然清新的演技,将主人公面对悲惨未来时苦乐参半的情感演绎得颇为真实,共同成就了一部具有纪录片风格的成长电影。荣获2022年马德普拉塔电影节国际竞赛单元最佳影片奖。
  • 这部4集剧讲述John Darwin伪造自己的死亡,以骗取人寿保险并避免破产。他和妻子Anne Darwin串谋,说服保险公司John Darwin独自去乘皮划艇时失踪,并得到超过25万英镑保险金。   当时债台高筑的Darwin家已经有抵押贷款,还刷爆了13张信用卡,共欠下6.4万债务,当时Anne想申请破产,但最终被丈夫说服实行这看似荒谬的计划;但这计划成功实行长达5年,甚至骗过了两名儿子,得到保险金的John及Anne后来搬到巴拿马去,直至07年John Darwin在伦敦现身才被揭发。