- World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to face with the one, whom she ha...
- 该片在印度国内以3D形式上映。 烟火工纳尼(纳尼 Nani 饰)暗恋对楼的女孩缤杜(萨曼莎·鲁斯·帕布 Samantha Ruth Prabhu 饰)两年,虽然从未获得缤杜肯定,依然对她如痴如醉。赞助缤杜工作的建筑公司老板苏迪普(苏迪普 Sudeep 饰)也看上了她,这个看似腰缠万贯、有权有势的男人实则是个心狠手辣的黑帮老大。他用尽手段欲引诱缤杜,但他发现缤杜爱的是纳尼。正当缤杜与纳尼度过一个甜蜜的夜晚,缤杜决定鼓起勇气想向他表明心意时,纳尼却被嫉妒的苏迪普所谋杀。然而死去的纳尼死而复生,灵魂变成一只苍蝇而重生。它努力尝试破坏苏迪普接近缤杜的一切计划,并终于让缤杜相信它就是纳尼。于是这对情侣开始联手实施一系列不同寻常的报复行动......