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  • 全6集《百年乡情》是一部由BBC推出的电视剧。该剧在2013年3月31日于BBC播出,主要通过一个家庭的故事讲述了20世纪的德比郡的一个村庄。该剧第一季已于5月5日播完。
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  •   早已功成名就的女性神秘小说家莎拉•莫顿(Charlotte Rampling 夏洛特•汉普林 饰)却为新作烦恼不已,在出版商约翰•布兰德(Charles Dance 查理士•当斯 饰)的建议下,她来到约翰的家乡别墅,一面休养,一面寻找灵感。乡间的悠哉生活使莎拉从久居伦敦的疲惫中解脱出来,尽情享受着难得的休闲时光。  某晚,自称约翰女儿的茱莉(Ludivine Sagnier 卢蒂文•萨尼埃 饰)不宣而至,茱莉开朗、张扬、放荡,与古板莎拉格格不入。莎拉的创作计划被打乱,而一丝不祥的气息也悄然弥漫开来……  本片荣获2003年欧洲电影界最佳女主角奖(夏洛特•汉普林)、2003年曼谷国际电影节最佳影片奖。
  •   劳拉(艾丽西亚·维坎德 Alicia Vikander 饰)的父亲一生都致力于研究古墓,在劳拉尚且年幼的时候,父亲在一场冒险之中失踪了。一晃眼多年过去,劳拉一直拒绝承认父亲已死的消息,也拒绝接手父亲手下的商业帝国。  一次偶然中,劳拉发现了父亲遗留下的冒险笔记,父亲希望劳拉能把这些资料付之一炬,但为了寻找父亲的下落,劳拉决定寻找笔记中记载的岛屿。劳拉找到了名为陆仁(吴彦祖 饰)的男子,两人结伴踏上了旅途。刚一上岛,劳拉和陆仁就遇见了一直和父亲作对的马赛亚斯(沃特·戈金斯 Walton Goggins 饰)以及他的雇佣兵团队。马赛亚斯一心想要找到古墓的踪迹,不惜杀死了不肯透露半点消息的劳拉的父亲,如今,劳拉亦落入了他的魔爪之中,会遭遇怎样的命运呢?
  •   Reeling from her husband's affair, Rose collides with a marooned teenager in a boarded-up Delaware beach town.  Devastated by the news of her husband's affair and convulsed by waves of grief and rage, twenty something Rose (Greta Gerwig)-vengeful, a bit unhinged, and still clad in her pajama bottoms-drives to a sleepy seaside town in Delaware intent on finding her spouse's lover. Climbing into an old lighthouse on the beach to swill a six-pack of beer, Rose stumbles upon a sleeping British teenager (Olly Alexander) whom she wakes and insists on taking somewhere. Stranded by some unknown party, the chatty, ludicrously attired youth accompanies Rose to a brewery where "the other woman" was recently employed and then to her parents' summer getaway house, slowly attuning to her anguish. As the grey winter days roll by, the mismatched pair embark on a series of frolicsome adventures-English dance lessons, role-playing in public-that bring them into closer quarters, igniting a bittersweet, perhaps imaginary romance.  This quirky romantic comedy follows Rose (Greta Gerwig), whose life changes after discovering her husband s affair. She later crosses paths with a marooned teenager in a boarded-up Delaware beach town and begins a delicate friendship. This engaging and insightful film will make audiences appreciate change for better and worse.