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  • Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a moralityfolk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his donkey stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly accused of theft. The peasant petitions Rensi who is so taken by the peasant’s eloquence that he report his astonishing discovery to the king. The king realises the peasant has been wronged but delays judgement so as to he can hear more of his eloquence. The peasant makes a total of nine petitions until finally, his goods are returned.
  • 因为肾脏衰竭,布米大叔预自感已只剩两天生命。他让亲戚们把能召回前世的汶密叔叔从医院接出来,希望能在乡间的家中了却余生。出乎他意外的是,他故去已久的妻子的鬼魂正在家中迎接他的归来,而失踪多年的儿子也回到家中——他已经变得与一只猴子无异!原来儿子与一种被称为“灵猴”的生物交媾后,与雌猴在森林中生活了整整15年时间。布米大叔回忆起他前世的许多往事,他决定带着他的家人穿过森林,来到一个位于山顶的神秘洞穴——那里是他第一世出生的地方,在那里,布米等待着死亡的到来……
  •   薇娜在高中转学上课的第一天,因说话带有浓厚的口音,受尽同学嘲笑。但有四位女孩和一名男孩站出来为她解围,后来他们成为了朋友,并组成「自由帮」。二十三年后,薇娜在医院偶遇当年的朋友克丽丝。克丽丝身患末期重症,她希望薇娜能帮她完成心愿:让「自由帮」再次聚首。于是薇娜踏上一段寻友之旅。
  • 在一个有过共产主义历史的欧式社会中,文化精英和被剥夺选举权的年轻人都看到黑暗力量席卷欧洲。然后,有些人会从不可避免的冲突和随之而来的混乱中受益,例如失意的法律系学生托梅克(马切伊·穆夏洛夫斯基饰),他竭力要引起童年时代的朋友佳比(凡妮莎·亚历山大饰)的注意,获得她的进步家庭的尊重。为了给佳比留下深刻印象,托梅克在一家名声在外但罔顾道德的公关公司工作。他奉命在社交媒体上进行策划,很快发现自己擅长这种肮脏的政治游戏。但他的所作所为是要付出人性代价的。随着托梅克越陷越深,他的人性慢慢丧失,亦不知要如何收拾残局。
  •   Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.