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  • 青年小说家桥本纯(桐山涟 饰)凭借一部科幻小说而小有名气,但在结束该作品的连载后,他就再也没有新作问世,现今正坐吃山空,捉襟见肘。这一日,他的责任编辑馆山(阪田マサノブ 饰)找上门来,希望他能撰写一部恋爱小说。虽然百般不情愿,可是面对可能的最后一次机会,桥本勉强接受。就在此时,长达十年没见的好友村田启介(加藤成亮 饰)突然找上门来。在好友的提示下,桥本开始动笔撰写小说《intercept》。在写作过程中,他的思绪不知不觉带入了小说的世界以及被掩埋在时间尘埃下的久远记忆中……   本片根据加藤成亮的原作改编。
  •   Ale, a seventeen-year-old woman, lives in rural Costa Rica with her two younger siblings. Through landscapes fueled by silence, resentment and brief moments of joy, Ale will try to protect them from the seething truth, their mother has left them and is not coming back.
  •   《宇宙护卫队》第一季故事围绕着正直勇敢的队长老虎“风暴”,天生的行动派猴子“闪电”,知识渊博头脑聪明的兔子“彩虹”三位宇宙护卫队队员展开。他们乐于助人、帮助不同的小动物们解决各类问题,三人相互协作,一同保护地球上的动物居民。每一集他们都会帮助一个小动物,并在执行任务的过程中学会接纳彼此的不同。而在帮助每个小动物的过程中,他们也会了解到这些动物身上的特征,比如海马是爸爸负责“生育”宝宝,猪的嗅觉居然比狗还灵敏等等。
  •   Far from Tel Aviv and big city crimes, Daphna, 40, a promising police officer with a big mouth, finds herself in the small town of Afula dealing with petty crimes, seeking shade from the scorching heat, taking care of her aggressive cat, but more importantly, dodging the nagging question:" When are you going to get married, and have children?". The disappearance of Orly Elimeleh, a beautiful and wild 36 year-old army widow and former beauty queen, soon raises another troubling question for Daphna - why isn't anybody looking for her? This indifference towards Orly's uncertain fate shakes Daphna to the core as she begins to identify with her and to suspect the worst. Her concern gradually consumes her life, blurs her reality and causes her to question whether she is just imagining things, or is she on the contrary, the only one seeing things clearly. Matan, the younger 34 year-old son and "black sheep" of the powerful Oheyon's, Orly's late husband's family, seems to be the only one who ...
  • 影片改编自2004年蒂娜·菲编剧的同名电影和百老汇音乐剧,幽默探讨时下美国青少女学业、家庭和交友等各种问题,勾心斗角的塑料姊妹花你争我抢,谁才是Queen Bee?从小在非洲长大的高中转校生凯蒂,第一天上学就遇到校花瑞吉娜。面对瑞吉娜的处处针对,凯蒂决定在这场校园斗争中展开反击。