搜索 乔什·

  •   December 23, 1983: Just days before Christmas, the Oliverio family readies their Feast of the Seven Fishes, an Italian tradition stretching back to the old country of Calabria. Amidst the preparations, Tony Oliverio, a young man with big dreams and a bigger heart, wonders if he'll find love this Christmas season or spend it alone with his loud and loving family - Great Grandma Nonnie, Grandpa Johnny, Great Uncles Frankie and Carmine, his parents, his brother, and a host of friends. When Sarah, the girlfriend of his best friend Angelo, introduces Tony to Beth, it looks like Tony's holiday experience might take a turn for the better. That is unless Nonnie thinks Beth isn't good enough for her great-grandson, and Beth's Ivy League suitor doesn't steal her heart first. Come on inside, where it's warm, and the smells of cooking fish permeate the air, and let's have a visit.
  •   欧文是第三频道的记者,发现了市长的腐败,电视台却不让他说出真相,为了揭开真相,欧文和朋友们成立了简陋的工作室,经过一些列的努力成功将市长拉下台。
  • A comic drama about rage, doubt, lust, madness, and other brotherly hand-me-downs.
  •   艾迪(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)是一名效力于国会制片厂的制片人,表面看来,这是一份光鲜亮丽的职业,艾迪整天出入于高端场所和宴会之中,打交道的都是大明星和各路社会名流,可实际上,艾迪真正在干的,是帮这群整天闲着没事干尽惹麻烦的巨婴们“擦屁股”的活计。  导演劳伦斯(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)不小心让知名女明星狄安娜(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)怀孕了,艾迪必须想办法让这件事成为永远的秘密。酗酒成性的老演员拜尔德(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)在新片即将开机之前竟然遭人绑架,筹得10万美元赎金的活也落在了艾迪的头上,除此之外,艾迪还要谨防对明星八卦虎视眈眈的双胞胎娱记赛克姐妹(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)。
  • 二十一岁的施瓦兹(SAS Goldberg)在某种程度上想结束了生命中的那种烂透了的生活。她有一个律师助理的工作她不喜欢,对罗斯福岛的一个单调的公寓,和一个霸道的家人从不让她忘记了她还是单身。当她与她的童年好友重聚,芭蕾舞演员比利(Jake Wilson),她给了启发,改变自己的生活的重温她的初恋。