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  •   The film tells the story of 15-year-old Robin, a virtuoso piano player, and her mother Claire, who lives for her and is her biggest fan. When Robin is the victim of a serious accident, their life will undergo a sudden change.
  •   Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella.  Three siblings converge in a furniture store in the middle of nowhere. Here, their mother, portrayed by Ellen Burstyn, has barricaded herself on a couch. David (McGregor) does his best to diplomatically try to resolve the situation, but the other siblings (Rhys Ifans, Laura Flynn Boyle) seem to take the situation with frustrating nonchalance. And while the mother's stationary position on the couch brings forth Norenesque family conflicts to the surface, the furniture store appears increasingly labyrinthine, and David is chased through a never-ending Kubrickian nightmare with a desperate look in his eyes. Swedish director Niclas Larsson (Vatten, GFF 2013) returns to Gothenburg after a period in international advertising with a charged psychological drama that not only impresses with its star-studded cast.
  •   A 16 year old Carol is going through a period of major changes in her life. On the one hand, Carol has to deal with her mother's marriage to her new boyfriend and the impending relationship with her future stepbrother. On the other hand, a new school year begins in high school, in which Carol starts her first real relationship and experiences various situations with her long-time friends that also put their friendship to the test. Carol faces the typical challenges of being a teenager and experiences feelings that she has never felt in this form before and learns that the first step to happiness is to know yourself and also to respect your own feelings, even if you are makes one or two mistakes on the way there
  •   【雙面天才】(Genius)是迪士尼所製作的一部TV電影,於1999年於美國的迪士尼頻道首度播出。  本片故事敘述有一位天才少年 Charlie Boyle,小小年紀就因為天資聰穎,獲准保送到大學去就讀,他因此開始他新鮮人的生活,然而畢竟跟其他人不同,一開始日子過的有點尷尬,尤其指導他的 Krickstein 博士雖然為人和藹熱心,但在學校地位並不高;何況為了支付學費, Charlie 必須擔任助教的工作,面對一群比他年紀大許多的學生,他實在很不自在。Charlie 雖然有過人的天資,但本質上畢竟還是位青少年,在大學生活不如預期的情況下,他居然突發奇想,為了接近一位心儀的中學女生,他於是用網路潛進該校的系統,自動增加了一筆學籍資料。將自己設定成一位來到該所中學的新轉學生,從此 Charlie 就開始扮演起兩種角色,一個舞台在大學校園;另一個則是中學。還真虧他的天才頭腦,雙面角色扮演還能應付自如!但是有一次卻碰上一傷腦筋的情況,該班中學生居然到大學校園參觀,還被邀請去參觀 Krickstein 博士的實驗室!且看這位雙面天才如何角色變換,應付這錯一步就會穿梆的困境吧!  本片是由 Rod Daniel 所執導,在片中飾演天才少年 Charlie 的是 Trevor Morgan,他在【靈異第六感】中飾演曾拍過感冒糖漿廣告、欺負柯爾的男孩譚湯米;另外後來他還演過【侏儸紀公園3】,以及迪士尼2002年電影【心靈投手】,他在片中飾演男主角 Jim 小時候。本片中飾演 Charlie 心儀的女孩 Claire 的則是 Emmy Rossum;飾演 Krickstein 博士的則是 Charles Fleischer,他也就是【威探闖通關】羅傑兔的配音者。
  •   讲堺雅人饰演的双重人格银行上班族,对接国外公司打款时,本来谈好1000W美元,却诡异地打成了一亿美元,于是千里迢迢跑去蒙古追债退钱,却卷入到一场又一场的战斗之中,事件还牵涉到国际恐怖组织的大阴谋……