- 《麦田里的叛逆者》根据Kenneth Slawenski所著传记《塞林格的人生》(JD Salinger: A Life)改编,由丹尼·斯特朗(Danny Strong)自编自导。整部影片围绕塞林格创作长篇小说《麦田里的守望者》展开,这部小说影响了几代美国人,让塞林格的名字永远地留在了世界文坛上。不过塞林格本人十分低调神秘,他一生中只创作了这一部长篇小说,成名后在新罕布什尔州乡间的河边小山附近买下了90多英亩的土地,在山顶上建了一座小屋,过起了隐居的生活。2010年1月27日在新罕布什尔州的家中去世,终年91岁。 《麦田里的叛逆者》将展现塞林格叛逆的青春时代、二战参军的经历、他的爱恨情伤以及精神上的觉醒。
- Kala azar describes of a place that cannot sustain animal life any longer. In a big city somewhere in the south of Europe, a couple takes care of dead animals and abandoned roadkill as an act to give meaning to their life. Kala azar is a www.molikan.com meditation on the paradox of life-circles among beings of different species. A film about existence, on the boundaries between living and dead, human and non-human.