搜索 la

  • 研究一下一些最著名的前童星,如洛瓦托,如何解构在聚光灯下成长的起起落落,以及他们获得名利和权力的过程如何影响他们的未来。
  •   莱达(奥利维娅·科尔曼饰)一个人前往海滩度假,在海滩上,她注意到一对年轻母女,并难以移开视线。她们之间引人注目的关系,以及她们吵闹、绝非善茬的家庭成员都让莱达感到不安,她想起自己刚做母亲时的恐惧、困惑和种种劳苦。一个无心之举,更是将莱达抛入了连她自己都感到陌生和不祥的内心世界,在那里,她看到了自己的过去:在她还是一名年轻妈妈时,她做出了非同寻常的选择,并迎来一系列后果。该片是玛吉·吉伦哈尔的导演处女作,她将埃琳娜·费兰特的小说改编为该片的剧本。《暗处的女儿》主演阵容还包括达科塔·约翰逊、杰西·巴克利、艾德·哈里斯、彼得·萨斯加德、保罗·麦斯卡和达格玛拉·多敏齐克。
  •   自2018年8岁的安娜贝尔·斯塔恩斯失踪以来,没有任何线索浮出水面。所以约克县警察局决定公布从住所找到的录像希望能找到她的下落。这就是那段录像。
  •   A young girl celebrating her last night out in her hometown is stalked by a mysterious killer in a Mr Punch mask.
  •   Trapped in the padded white room of an abandoned asylum, a helpless man awakens, only to find himself chained down to a medical chair. There, a demented surgeon and his equally deranged assistant embark on a seemingly endless series of chirurgical tortures, unlocking new levels of pain and suffering, one excruciating procedure after another. Intent on harvesting the captive's endorphin-infused blood, the maniacal doctor mutilates the feeble flesh and breaks the naked bones, until the phial is filled with the life-giving substance. However, in this hellish purgatory of anguish and torment, the man finds the strength to cling to hope, as he keeps finding hand-written notes in his grim cell. Could there be another tormented patient in this nightmarish facility? Is there an escape from the never-ending agony?