- After being summoned back to his home castle on the brink of war, Sir Cedric Vale discovers that the Baron he is loyal to has married the woman he loves, Lady Alysia. Following his return, the two struggle to keep their age-old love a secret amidst a terrible threat made upon the baronesses' life by The Ring of Shadowed Blades. Political strife and rising concerns of loyalty drive both royalty and servants alike to question their honor in this deeply thrilling and romantic adventure.
- 盛世莲花邀明月,龙腾星海耀濠江,合音、合欢、合心、合力,更精彩、更温暖、更燃情——“湾区升明月”2024大湾区电影音乐晚会将于9月22日晚20时在中国澳门唱响。上百位海峡两岸暨港澳地区的电影人、音乐人和奥运健儿代表将汇聚一堂,用光影与歌声共绘粤港澳大湾区的金秋盛景。