搜索 Na

  • 这部影片仅有20分钟,可以说是一部微电影。据称为了这部影片,育碧公司为其投入了1亿美金,用于作为其游戏的前传进行宣传。剧中,4位幽灵小队成员,深入俄罗斯腹地,为了破坏一起武器交易,并同时刺杀其中的恐怖组织核心成员。行动按照原定计划,有条不紊地实施着。不过,当完成刺杀后在进行战场检查时,却发现这次的武器交易的武器是一套拥有极高杀伤能力的核弹头。而且弹头处于保险打开的状态,随时都可能被引爆。为了排除眼前的危机,幽灵小队临时决定在现场手动完成核弹头的拆卸工作。可是,拆卸工作并没有想象中的那么简单,由于需要破解发射程序,所以需要花费不少时间。这时,一对拥有高科技战斗装备的小队出现,一场恶战就此展开。
  •   Haunted by the death of his father and other psychological traumas, Daniel (Roberto Scorza) returns to the home where he was raised. Faced with intense emotional scars, as well as physical -- which are realized by the years of self-harm depicted by the cuttings adorning his body -- he enters the bathroom to begin a journey of self-exploration, self-mutilation and quite possibly, self-enlightenment. Prepared only with three white candles and some crude instruments, Daniel attempts to beckon the embrace of the Goddess Ishtar (Flora Giannattasio) to assist him on his self-illumination. Beginning with a blade, Daniel digs into the palm of his hand, as deep crimson flows into the bathtub. Lapping up the blood from his fresh gash he sexually caresses the wound with his tongue (ala cunnilingus), thus commencing his voyage.
  •   安妮卡辭去在都市的教職工作,陪著身為牧師且充滿理想的先生移居鄉下,還有兩個可愛貼心的兒女相伴,擁有令人稱羨的恬淡生活;先生卻在此時說服她一同收養了一個無家可歸的11歲男孩卡爾,家裡開始出現各種「意外」,像是愛狗離奇死亡、或是安妮卡無故被反鎖在地下室,加之卡爾的情緒陰晴不定,讓安妮卡愈加不安…她將從這個男孩的過去挖掘出什麼樣的秘密?又能不能成功用愛陪他走過人生中最徬徨無助的這一段路呢?