搜索 Lai

  • 意大利导演费德里克.费里尼的中期经典作《八部半》是其成熟高峰期作品,此后开始走向糜烂而至腐败,偏于肉欲放纵和自我沉溺,像《爱情神话》(六九年)和本片,都是糜烂颓废的出色力作。本片反映了十八世纪基督道德不振后的上流腐化放纵,费里尼尽情借题发挥,展现出精英文艺在人欲 横流下的腐烂情态。大情人卡萨诺华是在情场屡战屡胜的“性斗士",不断猎艳,还参加造爱竞赛。但这大情人苦于人人只重他的性爱能力,不重视他经世济民治国的才学。而且女人们对他都“有性无爱",当他衰老得失去性魅力之后,就只能把一个机械女人当作梦中情人,很可悲可怜。
  • 小说作家在圣诞节返乡整理儿时故居,遇见了一位正在寻找生母的女人。一本旧日记能解开她们的过往秘密,打开彼此心房吗?
  • 颓唐邋遢的哈伯(Chance A. Rearden 饰)曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电话找来自己的粉丝以及唯一好友——刚刚通过医生考试的青年德文(Wade F. Wilson 饰)。醉醺醺的哈伯声称要从事人偶生意,而且还送给德文一个大号的偶噶布噶(Ooga Booga)土著人偶。归家途中,德文意外遭遇一场抢劫案,谁知报警后却被带有种族偏见的警察当作劫犯射杀。   德文含冤而死,未曾料他的灵魂却附到那个可怕的偶噶布噶人偶身上……
  • 本片讲述身为大学生的男女主人公在一次聚会中偶然相遇,在酒精麻醉下一夜温情后,男女主人公如何直面人生,一集各自有关成长,如何面对双方父母,如何规划自己人生的思考和斗争,上演了一幕又一幕感人的爱情画面。
  • IMDB简介  Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming. Written by Yepok  Twenty-five year old Pierre is a man who likes to play the field, about which most of girlfriends are aware. Pierre falls into a relationship with Florence Girard, who he loves and marries more out of circumstance than anything. Their life is less than the exciting one he envisioned for himself, as he ends up working for Florence's father in the office of the family business, a tannery. Old habits surface as he embarks on a few extramarital dalliances, which he sees solely as distractions from the problems of marriage, one of those problems with Florence being her mother, who Florence resembles. Thus he sees his future as that of his staid in-laws. It isn't until he is in his late thirties that he truly does begin to contemplate ending the marriage, all because of his new eighteen year old secretary, Agnès, with who he believes he has fallen in love. The questions become whether he will do anything about it, if his feeling for Agnès truly is love, whether Agnès has similar feelings for him, and how Florence truly feels about marriage to him after ten years and visa versa. Written by Huggo