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  • 当 200 岁的英籍印度裔军官贝塔尔和他的僵尸英国兵团被释放之后,一座偏远的村庄开始上演激战。印度警方与亡灵军队对峙,不幸的村民则陷入一场可怕的、你死我活的冲突中。
  • 本片在澳大利亚80年代初才被允许放映。   电影取材自50年代连续杀人魔Ed Gein的真实事迹。   几个年轻人——Sally (玛丽莲·伯恩斯 Marilyn Burns 饰) 、Franklin  (保罗A. 普泰 Paul A. Partain 饰)、Jerry (阿伦·丹齐格 Allen Danziger 饰)、Kirk (威廉·韦尔 William Vail)和Pam (泰瑞·麦克明 Teri McMinn 饰),驾驶房车驶入荒漠中的德州特拉维斯镇。途中,一个满身伤痕、丧魂落魄的搭车人(埃德温·尼尔 Edwin Neal 饰)。勾起了他们的好奇心,他们在他的带领下进入一幢阴森大屋试图弄清真相。大屋被一股神秘、恐怖的氛围所笼罩,仿佛有一双眼睛始终在窥视着他们的一举一动。正当这群年轻人惊恐万分、不知所措时,电锯声骤然而起,他们最后的噩梦随之降临……
  • Doing her best to balance a successful career with family life, a single mom's world spirals out of control when her shy teenage son is arrested for the murder of a young woman he met online.
  •   背景设定在一个充斥着丧尸的世界里,但这个世界的丧尸有点不同——它们不吃人,也因此被称为非食人型丧尸。在故事中三位想要赚快钱的朋友,因为外婆被绑架从而卷入了一场与邪恶大公司斗智斗勇的纷争中,然后他们都没有预料到事态会变得有多么糟糕...
  •   How does a self-professed misogynist become one of the world’s most influential people, and remain so even after being charged with rape and human trafficking? Andrew Tate’s meteoric rise to infamy has provoked global uproar, but the controversial figure is also a terrifying symptom of the increasingly fractured world in which we live, propelled by the social media platforms beneath our fingertips.  Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate & The Dark Side of the Internet goes beyond the headlines to explore how and why someone with such toxic views can take hold of so many millions of young followers. The film highlights the dark influence of social media platforms and how their carefully-crafted algorithms have shaped our world today. The documentary speaks with his critics and those who know him, along with some of the architects of the social media algorithms which came to allow extreme, hateful and misogynistic content to proliferate – all in the pursuit of profit for the platforms. In a new look at the dark side of the internet, the film uncovers the online forces boosting extreme content and catapulting inflammatory figures like Andrew Tate to worldwide attention, and how this content can spill over into shocking real-world harm.