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  • his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come.  This is the story of Northern Soul.  Award-winning director Elaine Constantine has recently completed filming her first feature-length film Northern Soul, with an intended cinematic release in Spring Summer 2013.  The film tells the tale of two Northern boys whose worlds are changed forever when they discover black American soul music.  Northern Soul was phenomenally popular with British youths in the 1970s, taking the North of the country by storm. Northern Soul the film intends to appeal to those generations of fans while attracting a modern audience who can relate to youth culture from another era. If you were there, you’ll know. If you weren’t there, you’ll wish you had been.
  • Former Buffalo Soldier Mo Washington travels West to lay claim on a gold mine. After her stagecoach is ambushed, Mo is tasked with holding a dangerous outlaw captive and must survive the day when the bandit's gang tries to free him.
  • 49岁的匹田(松重丰 饰)是畅销人气作家,虽然他的妻子幸子(北川景子 饰)年纪比自己几乎快要小两轮,两人在各方面都十分契合。恩爱的两人原本不打算生小孩,好好享受二人世界,直到有一天,幸子突然说出“我很想看看我们的小孩会是什么模样”,于是两人展开了漫长又艰辛的“做人”计划,匹田甚至连最爱的啤酒也戒掉了,然而虽然进入了备孕的状态,幸子始终就是怀不上孩子。经过检查,匹田的精子不仅数量少,活动力也过低,被诊断为不孕。在多次人工受孕失败的状况下,医生建议夫妇两人尝试做“试管婴儿”,就在夫妇为昂贵的医疗费用担忧时,幸子那顽固的老爸也对此勃然大怒,他认为“试管婴儿”有违上帝的旨意…身心具疲的两人在重重阻碍下,该怎么迈向幸福人生呢?
  • 二十世纪70年代,旧金山出现了一个自称“十二宫”的杀人狂,杀人后,向媒体寄一封信,留下密码、线索,向警方挑衅,多次的阴差阳错使案件陷入僵局,警方渐渐束手无策。连环杀人案件也引起了《旧金山纪事报》的记者罗伯特(杰克?格兰恩哈尔 饰)和保罗(小罗伯特?唐尼 饰)的注意,他们在警察大卫(马克?普法洛 饰)的帮助下,开始调查这一系列的连环凶杀案件,在和“十二宫”杀手斗志斗勇的同时,他们个人的生活也面临了极大的挑战。
  • 女婚纱设计师程晨总是做噩梦,梦到一个红眼的怪物追着她,以至于无法休息。迫不得已下求助于玩世不恭的风水师廖少展。廖大师发现这个怪物竟然是程程的前世爱人,因为对她因爱生恨,所以变成了怪物不断纠缠着她,并且十分难对付。同时廖大师在与程程的相处过程中,两人互生爱慕之情,渐渐越走越近。