搜索 娜

  • 一部关于波兰著名性学女专家米夏琳娜·维斯洛卡的传记片,她一生都在致力于出版自己的性学专著:《性爱的艺术》。这本书也改变了波兰人民的性生活。
  • 知名性爱专栏作家 Cassie 因阿妈卖咸鸭蛋而不情不愿回乡下小镇奔丧 。高中时,对性充满好奇的 Cassie 遭朋友唱通街说她是「公厕」,害她声名狼籍,逼使她离开思想保守的家乡。如今她的「性」事业正值高潮,她准备出版的春宫日志更加不能渣流滩!横竖镇上性压抑的左邻右里已当她是 Miss Sex求教,不如趁机办个啪啪啪派对,把各位街坊学徒的真人 show 收录成性经,更可藉此向当日出卖她的朋友报复,赤裸裸地撕破他们的伪贞洁皮囊!
  •   故事发生于一座位于法国的偏僻小村落里,让皮埃尔(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)是这里唯一的一名医生。在这里工作的这七年间,皮埃尔没有休息过一天,矜矜业业的照顾着整个村子的居民们的身体健康,在深得村民们的爱戴和信赖的同时,让皮埃尔也在透支着自己的健康。  终于有一天,让皮埃尔的身体支撑不住了,当全村唯一的医生生病倒下后,该由谁来为他看病呢?此时,一位名叫娜塔莉(玛丽安娜·德尼库尔 Marianne Denicourt 饰)的年轻女医生接过了让皮埃尔手中的接力棒。对于娜塔莉来说,在村子里工作的最大困难,并不是医疗资源或者人手的短缺,而是她无法打破让皮埃尔和村民们建立起的深深的信任关系。
  •   该剧基于三名在第三世界国家面临处决的基督教囚犯的真实故事,以及他们对基督的喜悦如何导致令人震惊的结局。
  •   20-something Aden has no other ambition in life than to become an actor. Most of his time is spent making videos as he applies for roles he’ll never get. After a string of dreadful auditions, where bizarre and humiliating requests are made of him, he comes up with a radical move: he will take full responsibility for finding a role that primarily he, himself, wants to play. This self-assured debut, playful in form and narrative with a fairy-tale edge to it, examines both the commercial work ethic and the concept of identity, which it presents as multilayered and also questionable. At the same time, in its exploration of the given themes, the film doesn’t deny itself a socio-critical tone, nor does it resist the temptation to tease the viewer a little.